does this take place at a beach? it looks like it. :)
Artist Comment
Wee!^_____^ I finally got images of Ragnarok Online's 3rd jobs! *runs around* This is SO cool!XD They still don't have the gypsy though...*sob* I got the image from IRO's site.
Another simple background wallpaper... or is it simple? It's gonna be my entry for Asian Pride's wallpaper contest. The deadline's still on the 20th.
Please comment on how you imagine yourself in it, NOT TECHNICAL stuff. I know already my flaws and you don't need to tell me..XD
Anyway, comment all you want!^________^
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Paolo Jan 15, 2005
charaznableamurorei Jan 15, 2005
... she's summoning or casting a spell or something... that's why there's this light-thingy coming from above... that must be something strong (err, sorry, don't know the spells of RO!) or something kawaii (like a Moogle... I only know FF stuff, sorry!)... that line around here probably is her magical protective aura or something, but looks kinda weak, still... maybe she's still a novice? (arrgh, limited knowledge of RO)... she kinda happy about the summon/magic though... so it must be some magical kawaii surprise, not a badass spell or creature...
Hmmm, I'd imagine myself as a boy, and this girl's my party-mate... and we're like kidding around and having fun... then I tease her, "Ha, you just leveled up and now you're acting like a great mage or something!" Then she retorts, "Oh really? Want to try me out?"... then she starts casting this light-thingy from above, and I'm, like, wooo, she really means it!.... then end scene!
does this comment qualify, Einna-friend? ^_^
Music On: "We are the Stars" (orig. Jap version of course! not the crapy SCQ one, gak...)
Kiako Jan 15, 2005
looks nice
i like the affects and the colors in the background you picked them well
Anjhurin Jan 15, 2005
well nice work, i like the tone of colors in the bg, going smoothly from violet to yellow. the text is really cool too :) and you've got these nice birds (einna touch?? ^_^' ) and light effects, really great
just an objection :pacman: : well i guess it's not the purpose of the wall, but i think the bg is just too empty (you can tell me it's the see okay, but still)
anwyay, keep coming the good job :) -
DarkEVO Jan 15, 2005
Very nicely done wallpaper you've made here.
I like the background especially.
Favourite for me. -
StarCentury Jan 15, 2005
Beautiful Ragnarok wall, einna! ^^; I love how the BG looks almost like a rainbow sea! The character looks stunning as well! Thanx for sharing this, einna! ^^V
Midori-chan Jan 15, 2005
wow! RO wallpaper! i like the bg a lot! the color you used for it is really matching with her outfit^^ the effects are nice! gotta add to favs! keep up the good work^^ want to join in the contest....well, i wish you all the best! :) -
shirahana Jan 15, 2005
It's a tad on the simple side ^^;
Well, your prompt was, "How you imagine yourself in it"... Heh heh ^^; I've never heard of a question like this before XP But if I must answer this... I'd say flying.. So maybe a character that's flying in this wallpaper? ^^; Because it looks like you applied lots of motion blur at an angel of 0... and it's motion blur.... so flying is a motion ^^;
Meh... I wonder if I answered correctly... x_x; You could probably be asking something else... I just interpretted it differently x_x;
Iyasis Jan 15, 2005
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by 'imagine yourself in it' but here's my shot ^^:
~ Spending the day at the beach with a group of friends and we're upset that there isn't a good sunset due to the looming clouds. Then a High Priestess comes along, sees our disappointment, and with a wave of her hand, she makes the clouds disappear and reveals a beautiful golden sunset ~ I really miss the beach T_T
Good luck in the contest! ^-^b -
Koujisama Jan 15, 2005
Sugoi that girl is so sweet and kirei :)
Omoshiroi ( I mean interesting ) here is that fantastic background :)
zaira Jan 16, 2005
wow! nice scan! i really love ragnarok!hehe
the scan really fits the bg!+fav!
PureTypeDZanza Jan 16, 2005
hmm it does look like she's on the beach but maybe it's just me. Anyway i love it!
gilesaquil Jan 16, 2005
that a lvl99 priestess? ^^
she can't be casting firebolt...unless maybe if she's got an accessory or weapon or something... ^^ maybe it's magnus?
hm...the place is somehere outside beach's sunset...and I'm the lvl50 FSpriest she's waving at... ^^
anyways, nice work! looks simple but I know it's more complicated than that.
+fav ^^ -
euna Retired Moderator Jan 16, 2005
simple kinda wallie, but it looks kinda scenic too! cool!!
really nice colours... beautiful...
looks like a sunset at a beach ^___^
perhaps you could add a lil more in the bg... but still nice.. very pretty. nice work! -
MoonlightEternity Jan 16, 2005
whoa!!!! very nice! *thumbs up* i love the bg most tho... its so colourful ^^ i like their textures, and how they blend together
Firefox Jan 26, 2005
hehehehe, another one of Ragnarok Online, and it looks lovely again. Great colors. :P
Chesshoo Jan 30, 2005
I think u get this girl picture from ro online official webside right. And i think i see a fimilar background like this in this forum too.
Kenryo Feb 21, 2005
the place looks like the sea, the BG is cool. It suits the charcter.
darkseal Mar 22, 2005
cute and sexy high pris from RO 3rd job!! XD
Vonniie Aug 18, 2005
i liked it..on the beach and play vollybal whehee^_^
just kidding..hmm^_^
well i liked this one wery much^_^
hope you have moore that i can put to my favorits^_^
See yah later -
Kimochi Banned Member Sep 21, 2005
teito07 Apr 26, 2010
thanks a lot for sharing..
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