
Samurai Champloo Wallpaper: Lady Champloo

Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

is a screenshot of a Champloo episode
i have made the background i hope you like :)

info: 2hrs / 60layers


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  1. goggles Jan 15, 2005

    The image is a bit soft for me but it's alright ^_^

    Mind you she was hot!!!!!!

  2. vfan Jan 15, 2005

    This is a direct screen shot?! thats awesome! I remember her the crazy ninja bossing mugen around lol..
    Cool screen shot very nice!

  3. paxterra Jan 15, 2005

    Well composed wall. The bg isn't too busy and you matched the softness of the image very well. You even made it in the res I run. :) fav+

  4. polako Jan 15, 2005

    nice wall, I can`t imagine how do you made the screen shot so perfect.....and is very cool, the girl looks very well....and so hot...... :) +fav

  5. heavens-Dragon Jan 15, 2005

    Wowies, very nice! You made an icredible background! An instant fav for me! The background is very nice! I like the night sky and the room is so cool! The scan adds flavour and it fits the background very nicely! Great work!

  6. 8ball Jan 15, 2005

    It's very good, but too soft. Otherwise, the lighting is very beautifully done- and the tone of atmosphere very nicely portrayed. Good work! Keep it up ^_^

  7. euna Retired Moderator Jan 15, 2005

    hey... very nice wallpaper... i luv the bg.. it's very nicely made..
    only 2 hours of work?? wow... it would take me hours to do such a nice work!
    it's a beautiful wallie... the scan/screenshot is a tad too blurry, but it's still beautiful..
    i luv this work. *fav*

  8. Crisis2040 Jan 15, 2005

    nice wallaper spacily the background .. i think it would be nice if you can have the character picture with he same level of light as the background because it very dark in the lowarpart ... other then that i think it's great and smooth ;)

  9. jackalx66 Jan 15, 2005

    very nice wall , kawai xD
    i like the bg so much
    everything blend so nice
    u also can add more in the left empty spot :D
    keep up the good work ;)
    thx for ur effort and share it in here

  10. bavee Jan 15, 2005

    very nice background. it is so classical . the act of the character is also naturally. great work. thx for sharing

  11. Ninja Jan 15, 2005

    Good scan and nice simple like background together the images seem to fit well.

  12. Asahi Jan 16, 2005

    awww.. thats a fav. i like the emotion in the color sheme .. the background rocks ! good looking ! =) love it

  13. xavier Jan 19, 2005

    muyyyyy bueno el wall este esta serie me cuadra mucho pero todavia mo la he terminado de ver ok gracias

  14. FALH Jan 20, 2005

    jme souvien de cette ep. il etait trop avec Mugen !!!

    sinon pour le bg il est super bien fais et le sceen de la kunoichi rend le wall super *bravo*

    +fav ^^

  15. glamdring Feb 06, 2005

    wowoooowww o_O so cool i really loved this girl in Samurai Champloo so have her in a wallpaper is so good for me !!! Thanks you very much guy ^^

  16. OroItachi Feb 14, 2005

    wow...i really like the wallpaper....it's my current wallpaper now :) :)
    btw...what was her name again.....that ninja girl who bossed Mugen around....

    umm....yeah....she's hot..... XD

  17. OroItachi Feb 14, 2005

    wow...i really like the wallpaper....it's my current wallpaper now :) :)
    btw...what was her name again.....that ninja girl who bossed Mugen around....

    umm....yeah....she's hot..... XD

  18. nox1397 Apr 25, 2005

    I loved that episode, mugen's my favorite character and I loved the way he fought in that episode

  19. Gundamelite May 01, 2005

    "Want to do something amazing with me?"
    Mugen wiggles up and down as he tries to nod 'yes'.
    Gotta love this one, GJ

  20. kilalamiko06 May 05, 2005

    Very captivating screen shot! I like how its sort of gray shaded in shadows rather than color. It gives it a great mood setting. Very awesome! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! :)

  21. meowwoof May 06, 2005

    By far my favourite wallpaper/Scan/any-kind-of-pic on minitokyo, we don't see enough female ninjas, the colours have that cool moon light look, which is calming and lovely to look at

  22. LaQ2K May 18, 2005

    GoddessDamn!!!!! I Like That.

  23. Uchigaa May 19, 2005

    Je trouve se wall comment dire heu Magnifique tout comme l'episode ou on voi bien que mugen et pret a tout pour faire des truc avec une fille lol favoris direct


  24. mughi May 20, 2005

    When you post late in your comment then other members would have said more or less what I wanted to say. ^_^'

    i like your wall. I like the way you designed your background. Your character extraction seem to have some softness but nicely done none the less. End result is that you made very good wallpaper and I thank you for it. :)

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