
X Wallpaper: Butterflies

CLAMP, Madhouse, X, Kotori Monou Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio X Series Kotori Monou Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

well.. I like the kotori image a lot
sorry if the effects and backgrounds are similar to my other wallies
currently still learning other techniques >.<

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  1. Athrun Jan 14, 2005

    Wow... that's very nice. Even tho it may be similar to your other walls, it still looks good. I try making stuff different on my walls, but the different styles don't usually fare too well. XP

    The background looks very good, as usual. You're very good at brushing! It totally suits the image. Very great job. ^_^

    * adds to fav

  2. baaakurama Jan 14, 2005

    This is such a beautiful image of Kotori, and you did such a good job on the bg! It's a great wall! Thank you for sharing it, and keep up the good work!

  3. sadakosumeragi Jan 23, 2005

    Very pretty. I adore that light green color, the butterflies, very nice.

  4. Yamijj Jan 02, 2010

    I like this color ! Very soft!

  5. k141220 Jun 11, 2010

    so cute~ this walie is really nice! ^^

  6. only001 Mute Member Jun 12, 2010

    how beautiful,a background is very very nice,i like it,
    i love the wall,it is very cute,i love the effects you used.it is sweet
    add fav

    merged: 06-12-2010 ~ 01:10pm
    how beautiful,a background is very very nice,i like it,
    i love the wall,it is very cute,i love the effects you used.it is sweet
    add fav

  7. DragonBlood Jul 23, 2011

    lovely and cute! Thank you for sharing!

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