Uh... that's actually pretty good... The way the grass is shaped is kinda weird but it's a nice wallpaper... Good job. Nice touch-ups on the scan. ;)
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Ok, I know this is pretty bad, but I am learning and all these are new things to me. So, please don't be too mean about it :( I can already see lots wrong with it but I do not know how to do better. If you have any techniques you can tell me or tutorials you can direct me to please do. Just telling me something is wrong is no good to me at all and just makes me sad :(
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Uh... that's actually pretty good... The way the grass is shaped is kinda weird but it's a nice wallpaper... Good job. Nice touch-ups on the scan. ;)
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I think I was gonna wall this scan but looks kinda hard so I didnt >_<
but, you did it pretty nice actually ^_^
nice work~ ^_^
this looks great. ^^
doesn't look bad at all so don't be so hard on yourself. ^^
i like the simple looks to this wall. ^^
It has a very clean good feeling to it.
B+ and +fav fora great simple wallie. ^^
Thats really cute ^_^'
+ fav ^_____^
Nice jobbie Cajime
This is pretty cute. ^_^ I like the way you created the opening in the sakuras. I would have never thought of that. Plus, the girl is really cute and matches the wall well. Good work~
well,its a very nice n cute wall ^^
its better than what I can do XP
nice job cajime ^^
this is a very nice wallpaper.
I love how you placed the sakuras and the girl.
Actually that is a very good wall, you got the scan perspective just right. The only suggestion I have is to darken up the shadows a bit. I will add this to my favorites, great job!
First thought when I saw this wallpaper, "I like this." This character looks good in the perspective angle looking down to her. Around her is Sakura tree dropping its petals. Beautiful work you did. Thanks.
I really like the perspective you were working with...very original
the grass does look a little strange though...a little too bright and realistic
good job with the petals
aww, sweet, simple and cute... you did a great job with the falling sakura petals! :)
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