Heh, BV, nice wall you got there, I must admit that much. ^^ Good color and background.
Artist Comment
A wallpaper on Ike and Mist from Fire Emblem 8. It was done by me a loooong time ago, so I would understand if anyone insults it. XD Oh yeah, and this was a competition entry with my online friend.
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Rella Jan 08, 2005
Chriszor Jan 08, 2005
YO. Is this your first walli.real good!lol .You made it.
Chriszor Jan 08, 2005
Good job.I like it.How long time ago?
I am a great FE Fan but I never FE 8 unfortunately :\
so I don not know the protagonists.
Kozumura Jan 09, 2005
HEY hey!! It's BlankVoid! I like it, though the Text needs work. badly. I think it's better just without the text. and it's 800x600, I can hardly think of people using that resolution nowadays.
Good Job on it though.
lensterknight Jan 09, 2005
By the way... that isn't Fire Emblem 8. FE8 is Seima no Kouseki, for GBA, which was released in October 2004. Although announced earlier, Souen no Kiseki is still to be released (on April), so it's the 9th installment of the series...
kasumi78 Banned Member Jan 19, 2005
It is very attractive one full of life game!
And the wallpaper is really beautiful!
Very cool!
I like!
Good work! -
marvjin Sep 14, 2010
wOOOOOOOOOSS So cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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