hey nice!
i like da scan!
thay are sooo cute!
also da bg!!!
but do ya hav a smaller size? like 1024x768?
but anyway added to my fav! XD
Ouch, this is a pain because someone else has done a wallpaper with this image today :| Theres is better than mine so it's only going to be mine that will suffer because of this.
I just wanted to do a gothic lolita style picture. It is much in the style of my previous wallpaper... which I don't think anyone likes XD But I like sparkly things so :P
Not a very good wallpaper. I was just doing it because I was bored and unable to sleep :( sorry. It's 7:30 am now, time for breaky!!!
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hey nice!
i like da scan!
thay are sooo cute!
also da bg!!!
but do ya hav a smaller size? like 1024x768?
but anyway added to my fav! XD
Very nice!! and soo cute!! Although this image has been used, but I like it regardless. A fave for me!!
I love the background of the stars and the moon.
The girls are nice and the light flowing around them is very unique.
Woooooow!!!! So cute ^^
Naya luv gothic style :D
Great, great work!!!
luv the celestialbg =3
and also the light effects.....
very nicely done...
this wall really makes me realize that gothic style can be awsomly cute XD
wahh.. looks great!!! >.< I like the lights!! and these effects are great!!! ^___^ +fav^^
Gothic Lolitas rox00rzz >o<!!! I wana be one hahahah~~
anyways its a really nice wallpaper! perfect extraction!
^^ nice brushy background.
keep up the good work =D
Oooo, that looks so beautiful! ^^ The two characters look so kawaii together and the BG is oh so delightful! Such an amazing wall from you, Cajime! ^^V
ohhh and again a wonderful wall from you i love all but this is so sweet the girls are very cute and the bg looks fits very goot to them :)
so nice ^^ i like it ... your walli is also very good
well done
greetz arashi-san
This is the second wallpaper I've seen with this scan used and like it, this one is very nice. I like the background used; it gives a kind of nebula effect. I like the work on the scan, too. The darker shading fits it well, I think. Great work.
thanks for the share.....
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