
Martian Successor Nadesico Wallpaper: {girl anachronism} :: nadesico

Office Mashirito, Martian Successor Nadesico, Ruri Hoshino Wallpaper

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Felt like grunging something, this turned up. Listened to far too much of the Dresden Dolls while making this, hence the title. For more resolutions, please visit PxAE.

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  1. ded113 Jan 08, 2005

    Wow. The grunge this wall a moody feeling. I like this kind of style biri. Different yet worth favoring.

  2. DayBreak Jan 08, 2005

    grunge! OMG I SEE MORE grunge!!!! XD
    sry sry, i love grunge walls XD
    omg Oo the grunge bg of yours is very dark!
    darker then my! i so love it ><
    it might be better then..ORACLE! XD

  3. groovybluesgirl Jan 08, 2005

    Very grunge indeed.
    I like how it came it out, dark but not too dark.
    Great job biri, keep up the good work! :)

  4. jackalx66 Jan 08, 2005

    woah xD
    another grunge xD
    i really like ur styel
    tho i can't make a good grunge >_<
    but everything is nice
    i like the typo too ^^
    and the thumb is too dark >.<
    ppl should zoom the actual size xD
    thx for ur effort adn sahre it in here

  5. Frosty Jan 08, 2005

    nice grunge work on this one. ^^
    i seen your previous grunge works and I must say you make some pretty grungy artworks. ^^
    bg I think is a bit one colored through, it would be alot nicer if it has alittle more things to it. ^^
    maybe a brighter bg? but hey I can't make good grunge work so can't complaint. XD
    Overall this looks fantastic. ^^ really nicely done too. ^^
    A and +fav for a job well done. ^^

  6. Nayako Jan 08, 2005

    Woah!!!! Love the effects - lots of grunge OX
    Over all is very cool ^^
    Great work!!!!

  7. euna Retired Moderator Jan 08, 2005

    biri~~~~ yay!! another wallie~~
    so cool wallpaper!! The scan and the grunge is great! (although it's not quite like you to do grunges... ^___^)
    Mmm.. the colours and the effects are awesome. Nice job sista!! *fav*

  8. bromithia Retired Moderator Jan 08, 2005

    I like this grunge wallpaper! It really matchs the scan... and the character looks like a doll! Ah well, nice wallpaper... a definite favorite.

  9. ultimaslair Jan 08, 2005

    Wow! Looks absolutely fantastic biri! Fantastic grunge! It's very well used, and it creates such a spectacular and dreary effect, combined with the image. The mood is perfect. Really cool text too. Such a great wall.

  10. Keltosh Retired Moderator Jan 08, 2005

    bad girl, you didn't tell me you were doing a grunge wall :P really nice one, especially suits the expression of Ruri. A fav.

  11. DREAM Jan 08, 2005

    wow really nice wall. the bg is very dark and grungy. all she needs is a bloody knife.

    great job,

  12. crapmonster Jan 08, 2005

    ah trying out new styles eh? ahah well it turned out damn well imo and you did a nice job with the grunge!

  13. ShiroiLina Jan 08, 2005

    very nice moody wall and brilliant effect o_0 love the feeling and the effect!!!!! keep it up!!! :D

  14. MadWiz Jan 08, 2005

    o.O love this one~~ seems to be like my mood now... great job~!!

  15. Furikuu Jan 08, 2005

    Spooky... reminds me of Silent Hill or something. From the thumbnail I thought that lock of hair covering her eye was a line of blood or something XD

  16. Cldmani Jan 08, 2005

    omg..................O_O *drools*.....................i love you now biri *cries with happiness* T_T......anyway, nice grungy wallpaper, could've been a bit lighter but that just my taste, and maybe de-saturate the stock, and see wat happenes? any better or worse?.......anyway this is an extremly amazing wallpaper you made, i must have it and use it at once!!!!!!!! +fav definitly

  17. candy-chan Retired Moderator Jan 08, 2005

    great job blending in Ruri, i love the grunge work. normally id say there are too many black parts but..not this time, is nice as it is ^__^
    tho the text is maybe a tiny bit too small, i cant even read that big word in small characters XD

    yay for dark grunge!~

  18. Meg Jan 08, 2005

    quite nice. It reminds me of one of those previews for a horror flick (in a good way). Like candy said, you blended her nicely. The grunge is nicely done. She could so be in the game Fatal Frame now. hehe

  19. meteorcloud Jan 08, 2005

    wuah cool wallpaper =)
    a lot of grundge and thats make it a very nice wallpaper =)
    great job ^^ * add to favs *

  20. StarCentury Jan 08, 2005

    Ah, so you decided to do a grunge wall now? ^^ Awesome! It came out really nice, I love how Ruri looks like all grunged up! ^^; Hey, I should try a grunge wall soon! Anyhoo, you really did a excellent job with this, biriwilg! Heck, you do a excellent job on every wall you make! ^^; Can't wait to see more of your work! Hasta-la-vista! ^________^v

  21. exentric Jan 10, 2005

    dat.. is one creepy wallpaper...
    nicely done to the add...
    seriously.. nicely done biri... ^_^

  22. Kurosawa Jan 10, 2005

    O_O. A really nice grunge Bg . I like the grunge Bg with a blood ^o^
    The effect of the blood and the grunge abstrac is blend together .
    The expression of the girl is very nice too XD
    Instan goes to my favorite XD
    Really great job XD

  23. sammo Retired Moderator Jan 10, 2005

    haha, looks like everyone's doing grunge...we've created a revolution biri! XD you did a swell job on the wall, just like all your other great works :)

  24. screwtheoldwolf Jan 10, 2005

    it's particular...
    so dark....but I like the girl hair!

    I like too the place that the picture let to the imagination...

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