1920x1080 Wallpaper
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Been an angel all year; Santa, baby, so hurry down the chimmney tonight~ Santa
Here's a picture of Mitsuki as Full Moon, Takuto, and Mereko from Full Moon wo
Sagashite! :D In my humble opinion, the Full Moon MANGA is a tad too dramatic for my liking (although I do
appreciate how it explains things more), BUUUUT the ANIME is one of my all-time favourites 'cause I just LOVE how
strong, and kind, and wonderful everyone is, and all their interactions with one another! TT^TT <3<3<3 So,
since I'm rewatching the anime now, I figured my new Christmas wallpaper should feature them! :D
Credits: http://moonelf313.minitokyo.net/, http://wikimedia.org/, http://pexels.com/, http://nasa.org/, and http://www.dafont.com/.
(Also available on my dA ^^)
Feel free to use, but please don't claim as your own~
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