
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Wallpaper: Fly with me

Carnelian, Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, Kogechibi, Lilith (YamiBou), Ken (YamiBou) Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Series,Visual Novel Kogechibi Character Lilith (YamiBou) Character Ken (YamiBou) Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

when i saw this anime.. XD ooh^^ it's great:D so i decided to make a wally dedicated this anime:D Yami is so cute^^ and otherwise i learnt some new effects:D The scan is from MT:)
Hope u like it:)
The text can be seen in the original size:) if someone couldnt see it:)
ps: oh yeh..and she has got wings:D and i used a cute photo to make the cloudfield:) but it's totally different ;)

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  1. Kyuzo1 Dec 29, 2004

    Great Wallpaper. I love the great bg and the great quality. The effects are nice. Good job :)

  2. Alpha Dec 29, 2004

    Great one, one of the best works I gees I see of you, he,he, thanks for sharing mate.

  3. mouse Dec 29, 2004

    what for a great wall....^^
    the backround are so amazing....
    good work!

  4. dans Dec 29, 2004

    another wall ? so fast. ^_^'
    the bg and the effect are nice. i like it.
    keep up the good work. :D

  5. boogybro Dec 29, 2004

    Nice to see you never gave up. And what A great wallpaper this is. I think it's your best yet.

  6. minimouzo Dec 29, 2004

    this is a super wall ^^ the sky is so well made. it seems really real. The clouds especially. Really a nice work. I think the sunlight effect is really well placed too and doesn't hide the chara. All is very clear and proper.
    very good work

  7. wuschel Dec 29, 2004

    Ohhhhhh!!!!!!!! My goooooshhhhhhh!!!!!! >_< this is so awsome so great yeahh >_< Such a super wall. I hope i see more walls from you, u got so much talent!!!!!!!! >____<

  8. Riku2 Dec 29, 2004

    She is so......... cute.
    It is a great wall,
    very refreshing.hehe
    thx for it.

  9. Athrun Dec 29, 2004

    lol I was gonna wall that scan, till at one point I just gave up. XP

    Well it's nice to see a more talented person than me walled it. The BG's great, even tho you used a photo to make, it still looks cool.

    * adds to fav

  10. chibicow Dec 29, 2004

    HOLY moley!!! your just pumping out walls now arent you!!! im sorry, im just so surprised about how you manage to make them in such a short time!!! not to mention how they're all such great quality works!!!

    This ones great - the extraction is very good and the clouds+moon/thingy looks great!!!
    Keep it up - and im not saying you should but maybe take a break from walling for at least 1 day!?! you deserve it!

  11. irix Dec 29, 2004

    This is a great wall, i like how do you make the BG! i'm like to do one like this!!! ^^

  12. Emi Dec 29, 2004

    Nice work :) I lik it. I just say that you do a lot of good works :) ^^ .
    Take care and a lot of happines :)

  13. Kenzotsuke Dec 29, 2004

    wow!nice wallie^^ the sky is so well made; it seems really real. the clouds especially nice ..
    nice work! instant fav! :)

  14. Edina-chan Dec 29, 2004

    Great job,Susan! XD The planet is very cool,and this wally too..amazing...:)

  15. Kiako Dec 29, 2004

    nice wallpaper
    the girl looks cute has a bit too big hat but aniway i like the background nice clouds and the moon.

  16. evasion Dec 29, 2004

    ...wow! Talk about a spectacular bg :) Great work susan-chan - I hope to see more ^_^

  17. AkinaSpirit Dec 29, 2004

    It's nice :)
    I like the effects...

  18. chingetscook Dec 29, 2004

    Great work blending the clouds you chose into the picture, often actual photograph backgrounds don't work with anime desktops but there are ocassional exceptions and this is definately one of them. Very nice!

  19. Evanrued Dec 29, 2004

    This looks really good. But I think she would look better in a night scene. The colors of the scan you used are a bit dark for a bright blue sky. But over all I think that it looks very lovely. Try at night maybe? But dont worry Susan, your work is improving and is very pleasing, rest assured. ^_^

  20. Aa-chan Dec 29, 2004

    Never heard about it before, but the wallpaper has interested me. I like the wall very much ^___^ .

  21. zaira Dec 30, 2004

    hey wow i like da bg abd da scan it was lilith right? hehe nice i like very much!!
    but do you hav a smaller size like1024x768? hehe it cant fit in my loptop

    added to my favvvv!!! XD

  22. euna Retired Moderator Dec 30, 2004

    Really nice wallpaper sista!
    Very nice Yami to boushi to hon no Tabibito wallpaper!
    I luv that scan and the bg is even better!
    It looks gorgeous! Great job Susan-chan!

  23. Piyo Dec 30, 2004

    awww~ this is so kyuuuuuuuuuuute!!

    i love the whole sky theme, keep it up~!

  24. DeeDee Dec 30, 2004

    ooo!!!! O_0 I wub it!!!
    It is so cute ^^
    love the clouds in the Back... ;)
    Great Wallie

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