
Onepunch-Man Wallpaper: Much Punches

Yuusuke Murata, Madhouse, Onepunch-Man, Genos, Saitama Wallpaper
Yuusuke Murata Mangaka Madhouse Studio Onepunch-Man Series Genos Character Saitama Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Manual for using this wallpaper - PLEASE READ ME!

A manual for wallpaper? Yup, trust me, it might be useful in this case.
There's a lot of grain on this wallpaper; it's an artistic choice that I've been aiming for from the start and I've composed this wallpaper around it. The thing with grain is that even the slightest drop in quality will be noticeable and can create graphical artifacts like you GPU is melting.

With that in mind:
- very sorry to say this but be wary ot using the version of wallpaper that is submitted here on MiniTokyo. Sadly MT doesn't allow the upload of superior PNG files, only JPG. Regardless of whether the MT itself reduced upload quality or not, Windows does. Yup, currently in Windows 10 if you use JPG file as wallpaper, Windows itself will drop it quality slightly, no matter if you choose to fill, center or whatever. Sadly, this slight drop is noticeable with grain so if you want it to look good get the PNG version from my website http://www.brokentone.net/wall/162-much-punches/ . Or if you hate me for making you crawl through my website, you can get it directly from here http://i.imgur.com/XqyH9v5.png . Btw, I'm speaking about WIndows 10 because I have Windows 10; I assume some of older Windowses or other systems might not have that problem so you can test.
- if you'll ever be reposting this somewhere, please don't convert it to JPG. Windows 10 (and possibly some older) hates JPG and by default lowers the quality of wallpapers slightly. It just won't look well as JPG, no matter if you fill, center or whatever.
- even if you get it in PNG, I recommend to get it in a size that is right for your screen, and then set it to be centered - that should give you the best result.
- if you're using Windows 10 with Microsoft Account on multiple PCs, Windows by default shares your wallpaper between your computer. Yup, that will tear it to shreds too. So if you want to stop it from sharing it, here's a little bit about that http://www.howtogeek.com/222110/understanding-the-new-sync-settings-in-windows-10/

And here's a link to the best edition of wall, static noise edition http://i.imgur.com/IwkSMqI.gif . Ah, I'm so happy with how this one came out x3
Windows by default doesn't let you have animated GIF as wallpaper, but here's a small cute program that makes it possible http://www.bionixwallpaper.com/downloads/Animated%20Desktop%20Wallpaper/index.html
I recommend setting animation speed at 60-70, I think that feels about right.

Now about the wall
Most of elements were vectored from anime screenshot, just few parts from manga.
Took quite a long time but was pretty fun.
Hope you like!

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  1. Monu-chan Retired Moderator Sep 28, 2016

    I honestly loved that graininess. It gives a distinct feel to wallpaper! :D

  2. xraptor7 Sep 28, 2016

    Yeah I feel you with the grain, you need to ideally split the grain onto its own layer and not scale that while the rest of the image gets scaled to whatever resolution you want.
    Nice wallpaper!

  3. Nysha Sep 29, 2016

    So glad you finished! It's been a wip for so long! But you're doing the lord's work, completing such a dedicated wall for Opm! (tho you already know how much of a fan I am of it ahahaha) Yooo, the static gif version came out sweet too. And like you said, it would be nice to find an angle of the H.A. building in the same perspective as the apartment, but sources are limited, and you made do with what you could find! I'm glad! And for all the side characters and enemies you managed to fit in the collage, as pieces of the main protagonist duo's journey together. :'D

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