so beautiful picture sakura

DO NOT UPLOAD TO ZEROCHAN OR ANYWHERE ELSE. This was a two-page spread, so it took a couple of hours to merge it seamlessly into one image. I feel it's turned out well though.
According to the notes on the art book, this was the "title page" for the January 1997 issue of Nakayoshi (Whelp! That's almost 20 years ago!). Clamp comments this was one (oddly enough printed on the third book), was from one of the earliest installments in the manga. At the time, most of Sakura's adventures took place during the day, so this was likely the first color image of her in a night-time setting. This one still remains my favorite costume from the original series & late 1990's illustrations. I really love how CLAMP make Sakura look like a young girl in one illustrationand in other illustrations, she looks older & mysterious. That's why I love her so much <3
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audreykittycat Dec 25, 2016
magiciangirl Jan 01, 2017
Quote by audreykittycatso beautiful picture sakura
Thank you! I love this costume the most even after all these years :D
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