
Vocaloid Wallpaper: The time of my life

Wogura, Vocaloid, Miku Hatsune Wallpaper
Wogura Mangaka Vocaloid Series,Game Miku Hatsune Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Is Everyone Truly Happy?

Linearterd with Ilustrator and colored with Photoshop, ...with some changes especially in the hairs. I didnt liked the flower hat so i put him away. I tried also put there different hat but its looks really bad with the background and with the flags together.

Background behind the Miku is from my old work. Grass, wind, sun and all the effect are new.
In total i do all of this 3 days in my free time i hope you like it and stay tuned for my new works. Have a nice day ALL OF YOU O___O

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  1. jakuro Jun 21, 2016

    This one is good! You have been so productive lately

  2. srsn Jun 21, 2016

    Everything is very smooth and glossy and I am liking it. However, a few parts can be improved.
    The flesh is too red/brown. There is also the black diagonal shadow on the flags, which is odd since Miku herself do not have that shadow on her head.

    The grasses look static. Never use photoshop custom brushes for the grasses since they are edgy and static. There are a few grasses tutorial in dA which can help you with it.

    Overall the wallpaper is ok. I still prefer the shigatsu you made.

  3. elisadevelon Retired Moderator Dec 15, 2016

    Ahoj, Maron! Dlouho jsem tady nebyla, ale mam dojem, ze se lepsis. Lineart je opravdu plynuly, stinovani moc hezke, jen ty barvy jak psala kolegyne vys, mi taky trochu nesedi. Mam dojem, ze cely wall je potazeny vrstvou rude barvy a tim se i vsechny ostatni barvy tonuji presprilis do cervena. Original byl spis sepiovy a to mi na obrazek sedelo lip. Jinak se ti to povedlo - obzvlast se mi libi, jak sis poradila s oblaky. S temi mam ja vetsinou problem.

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