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This was not on the beging a wallpaper for minitokyo. I learned this morning do proper clouds and brushing them and
mixing the colors, but then i remembered on one picture i found a couple of month on the internet. I was ready do vector
it, but i imagine Miku in the middle of the starry clouds and it was perfect for me so.
I riped Miku from the picture and added the copy in the middle. I cleaned the edge little, do one more copy of Miku with
multiply effect and set glowing on 10.
BG- as i write i was learning from this bg so at first i painted with round brush the clouds with more colors. Then i do some water paint with proper brush and mixed the colors. The details are only round brush set to 5pt. The water is basic brush, mixed colors and at final stage aded proper brush as the wavy water.
Brushes and teaching are from .....
I am learning from -
I found also his video on youtube -
Miku picture is from Vocaloid news net site -
Nah,... at the end i hope you will like it. Its not painted wit full colors (i really dont know how to say it with english mybe "light colors" ) as i am used in the past. But i like it so more and as someone say to me, ... "its gently to my eyes". :)
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