
Bleach: WSJNo40_2015

Kubo Tite, Bleach, Gremmy Thoumeaux, Bazz-B, Berenice Gabrielli
Kubo Tite Mangaka Bleach Series Gremmy Thoumeaux Character Bazz-B Character Berenice Gabrielli Character


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  1. Mcalero3 Sep 01, 2015

    The Stern Ritters

    A Uryu Ishida
    B Jugram Haschwalth
    C Pernida Parnkgjas
    D Askin Nakk La Vaar
    E Bambietta Basterbine
    F As Nodt
    G Liltotto Lamperd
    H Bazzard Black
    I Cang Du
    J Quilge Opie
    K BG9
    L Pepe Waccabrada
    N Robert Accutrone
    O Driscoll Berci
    P Meninas Mcallon
    Q Berenice Gabrielli
    R Jerome Guizbatt
    S Mask De Masculine
    T Candice Catnipp
    U Nanana Najahkoop
    V Gremmy Thoumeaux
    W Nianzol Weizol
    X Lillie Barro
    Y Loyd Lloyd / Royd LIoyd
    Z Giselle Gewelle

    merged: 09-01-2015 ~ 07:53pm
    I will post all on what their letters stands for. But, until they're all revealed, the'll I'll do it.

  2. Tsukishima117 Sep 15, 2015

    Interesting how Shaz isnt on here.
    So Kubo must treat Naritas novel with Shaz as canon as he is an Imaginary V made by Gremmy.

  3. Mcalero3 Oct 20, 2015

    Shaz Domino I just a creation of Gremmy not officially a Stern Ritter. He's basically a imagination and is not real. That is just part of his powers to create his own Quincy's ( Stern Ritters ) with his imagination. So, he really doesn't count, since he was created by someone's mind ( Imagination ). That's just what I think...

    merged: 10-20-2015 ~ 09:31pm
    Same with Guenael Lee his was created by Gremmy imagination as well. So, he doesn't count either...

    merged: 10-20-2015 ~ 09:35pm
    And for '' Mask De Masculine '' his subordinate ''James '' is not a Quincy or neither Stern Ritter. So, he doesn't count too. Because, he just his companion an cheerer to make Mask De Masculine stronger that's all.

    merged: 10-20-2015 ~ 09:37pm
    I meant * Is * on the first paragraph I made...

    merged: 01-05-2016 ~ 09:25pm
    Yhwach : The Emperor

    Uryu Ishida : The Prince / Successor

    Jugram Haschwalth : The Grandmaster / Advisor / Substitute Emperor

    Quilge Opie : Excutive Hunting Captain

    Lillie Barro : Leader Of The '' Elite Guards ''

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