
Devil May Cry Wallpaper: DMC4 SE Dante vs Vergil

Madhouse, Capcom, Devil May Cry, Vergil, Dante Wallpaper
Madhouse Studio Capcom Studio Devil May Cry Series,Game Vergil Character Dante Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

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  1. SilverCat-sama Apr 20, 2015

    Whoa. I wonder if Vergil will get his own stories and cutscenes. Man, I really wanna play as him. :D

    Hey, I think u should add the link for the original pictures u used to make this wallpapers. thats kinda important here.

  2. inco9 Apr 20, 2015

    Quote by SilverCat-samaWhoa. I wonder if Vergil will get his own stories and cutscenes. Man, I really wanna play as him. :D

    Hey, I think u should add the link for the original pictures u used to make this wallpapers. thats kinda important here.

    oh, i going to do this now... ah, capcom release gameplay with vergil, search in youtube.

  3. SilverCat-sama Apr 21, 2015

    Quote by inco9
    oh, i going to do this now... ah, capcom release gameplay with vergil, search in youtube.

    Now I see the images u used n looking at the wallpaper again... Thats awesome! The background looks fit. The characters rendering also the blending look neat in my opinion. But I cant see ur signature anywhere. Where is it? That thing is also important, y'know. Just add 'wallpaper by inoc9' somewhere (most people add it on the bottom part) in the wallpaper. ;)

    Btw, what program did u use? Photoshop? Gimp?

  4. elisadevelon Retired Moderator Apr 21, 2015

    I like the composition. It uses a cool perspective, looks great and dynamic but the result is not so satisfying overall. You arranged the elements nicely, and the guys really fit the background but I'm afraid you used too many filters on the cathedral. The environment should be much darker and considering the lights on Dante, there should only be bright light coming in through that door, which Vergil is blocking.

    It is better than your first wall but there still are things to improve, especially about the BG. Keep it up, though, I think you can get better!

  5. inco9 Apr 21, 2015

    Quote by SilverCat-sama

    Quote by inco9
    oh, i going to do this now... ah, capcom release gameplay with vergil, search in youtube.

    Now I see the images u used n looking at the wallpaper again... Thats awesome! The background looks fit. The characters rendering also the blending look neat in my opinion. But I cant see ur signature anywhere. Where is it? That thing is also important, y'know. Just add 'wallpaper by inoc9' somewhere (most people add it on the bottom part) in the wallpaper. ;)

    Btw, what program did u use? Photoshop? Gimp?

    thnks man hehe... i just dont like to put signature :P, but is rules from, i'll put :)
    i use Photoshop.

    merged: 04-21-2015 ~ 09:27pm

    Quote by elisadevelonI like the composition. It uses a cool perspective, looks great and dynamic but the result is not so satisfying overall. You arranged the elements nicely, and the guys really fit the background but I'm afraid you used too many filters on the cathedral. The environment should be much darker and considering the lights on Dante, there should only be bright light coming in through that door, which Vergil is blocking.

    It is better than your first wall but there still are things to improve, especially about the BG. Keep it up, though, I think you can get better!

    hey, thanks for the tips. This is my third wallpaper... i'll put more effort in the next wall :)

  6. SilverCat-sama Apr 23, 2015

    Quote by inco9
    thnks man hehe... i just dont like to put signature :P, but is rules from, i'll put :)
    i use Photoshop.

    Yess, putting the signature on the wallpaper is one of the rules here. So u should.

    Oh yeah. I love the color contrast here. Reminds me of DmC Reboot - Dante. The battle stage color looks like that everytime he uses Devil Trigger. N Dante n Vergil here both look like in Devil-Trigger state as in DmC-R concept :)

  7. ArtificialRaindrop Apr 23, 2015

    I like the almost graphic-novel edge it has to it. You did a nice job extending out beyond the original cathedral photograph, and I really like the overall composition.

    The one thing that stuck out to me is the colors are very muted in the background, but Dante has more pops of color to him, most notably around his shoulder where the light hits. I think it would meld together better if areas like that were de-saturated a bit, but overall I like the feel. I look forward to seeing what else you make :)

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