
Ensemble (Visual Novel) Wallpaper: Light of Ensenble

Hiroki Haritama, F&C, DreamSoft, Ensemble (Visual Novel), Wakaba Terada Wallpaper
Hiroki Haritama Mangaka F&C Studio DreamSoft Studio Ensemble (Visual Novel) Visual Novel Wakaba Terada Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Just a wallpaper dedicated to Ensenble....Hope you like it.....Dedicated to Shrike
and his Ensenble scans...Cute character by the way....and the game looks interesting...should do a research on that....Love RPG and ADV games!

As usual, check my gallery, make a comment, fav it if you love it and best of all, download it...Thanks!

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  1. euna Retired Moderator Dec 08, 2004

    woo hoo! first post!!
    mmm.. this is a great wall... !!
    i like your bg.. the use of circles are very interesting...
    The scan is awesome!! I luv it!
    The bg colours are great! Nice work!

  2. volrath77 Dec 08, 2004

    Another beautiful effort. IMHO the large black circle is kinda distracting from the overall atmosphere. Still, a very good one. Fav'ed. :)

  3. Clover Dec 08, 2004

    intresting wallpaper
    the bg is great and i like the woman u used is matching perfectly with it.
    for me it is a fav^^

  4. NachoKun Dec 08, 2004

    ooooh... very pretty wallpaper
    nice background colors and imaging, very pretty girl :D~
    now what's this abut a ren-ai game??? :D

  5. Frosty Dec 08, 2004

    nice wallie. ^^
    i like what you did with the circular pattern on the bg. ^^
    but I think the girl image a bit blurr out. *or was it like that originally* XD
    other than this this is a great looking wallie. ^^
    Great job. ^^

  6. jackalx66 Dec 08, 2004

    another nice abstract wall ^^
    and i never played the game before
    but this wall is look nice to me
    thx for ur effort and share it in here

  7. Saranbaatar Dec 08, 2004

    nice girl :) and nice wall afcourse

    but somehow when i look at it, the circles draw my attention more then the girl does :/ kinda wierd, but i like it though :)

  8. Shrike Dec 09, 2004

    Yeah, the image is a bit blurred... bad scan by me :sweat: . Anyway, how come nobody noticed that toonleap had a spelling booboo "Ensenble" ? Naturally, it should've been "Ensemble". Spelling aside, it's still looking good, and much thanks to toon for walling an Ensemble scan.

    It's a hentai ren'ai game, by the way. I know nothing of it, other than the art looked nice so I imported the artbook :sweat:

    One little thing that's bothering me here is the light strip along the bottom looks a little out of place. I'm just not sure why the darker piece ends there.

  9. CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator Dec 09, 2004

    I must say you've really changed your ways with walling and have gone towards a new style. Well I gotta say that overall I really like the change. You've really taken a professional turn towards your backgrounds and have added alot more to them! The circle/type designs were a great touch for each layer and yes, scan is rather blurry (but still its a very nice scan nonetheless) The shade of yellow(well it more of looks like a combination of yellow and orange) was a beautiful choice and then the darkness to the right of her. Gah such a great idea to do. Awww.....spelling mistakes happen, still doesn't take away from the overall wall though the text is rather massive. Overall I gotta say you did a really nice job though Mr. Toon. You've earned my favorite.

  10. cantero Dec 11, 2004

    Buena imagen!!!! excelente diseƱo de fondo!!!!!

  11. nujnaw Jan 21, 2005

    :D nice........

    like the background........ the circle combination and bg color...

    suits the mood of the chacacter......

  12. taffystar Feb 14, 2005

    Nice layout and colors toonleap =] The gradation between different yellows and oranges work well together and the contrasting black on the right makes it all the more interesting. Great job with all the layers too. Lots, but doesn't look busy. Subtle lettering nice too. Thanks for sharing :)

  13. innova542 Aug 08, 2005

    This is a very good and interesting wallpaper.
    The background is very unique and still fits
    the image. Very good job.

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