
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Tsukino Usagi

Toei Animation, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino, Member Art


Artist Comment

My another work of Sailor Moon Series. I know this piece is too shoujo >_<.
Done in Manga Studio EX5.

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  1. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Jan 21, 2015

    I think you did a great job! Love how full of life Usagi looks. <3 Parts of it seem a bit too angular though--- for example, the folds of her skirt and the rose petals. But overall, great work... always look forward to seeing your new submissions! :)

  2. Steffi1690 Moderator Jan 21, 2015

    I like the roses. But is it supposed that she has no legs?

  3. detectiveblue Jan 22, 2015

    Quote by fireflywishesI think you did a great job! Love how full of life Usagi looks. <3 Parts of it seem a bit too angular though--- for example, the folds of her skirt and the rose petals. But overall, great work... always look forward to seeing your new submissions! :)

    Thank you!
    Yes I need to fix my drawing style, I often draw angulary for something that need to be more flexure >_<

    merged: 01-22-2015 ~ 08:35am

    Quote by Steffi1690I like the roses. But is it supposed that she has no legs?

    I drew this to be printed, I'll crop the picture until half of her skirt.. I posted the full version of the drawing here >_<

  4. Monu-chan Retired Moderator Jan 24, 2015

    I really love the way you use colors!
    so vibrant and lively! :D
    The pink in roses and the blue in her eyes are so charming <3

  5. detectiveblue Jan 24, 2015

    Quote by Monu-chanI really love the way you use colors!
    so vibrant and lively! :D
    The pink in roses and the blue in her eyes are so charming <3

    Thank youu Monu-chan! XD

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