
Psychic Detective Yakumo Wallpaper: The Last Autumn Day

Suzuka Oda, Bee Train, Psychic Detective Yakumo, Yakumo Saitou, Collaboration Wallpaper
Suzuka Oda Mangaka Bee Train Studio Psychic Detective Yakumo Series Yakumo Saitou Character Collaboration Source

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hello everyone ^-^/


I was the first to start working on this because I was doing the lineart. I extended the scan a little so it would have the proportions of a wall and had to paint some additional leaves which wasn't very much fun to do. When the lineart was finished I sent it to Zix and she colored Yakumo and all the leaves. I liked the texture she used on the leaves and acorns. She asked me to do the shadows on the cat because she wasn't sure about how to color the fur. At first I tried to indicate the fur using brushes but in the end I decided to overlay the cat's body with this texture. I think it fits perfectly.

When Yakumo, the kitty and the leaves were all colored and shadowed, I colored the little drops of dew and the lineart. We both agreed that there should be more textures, more precisely on the book's cover and Yakumo's jeans. Zix chose them and according to me, she chose well. I wasn't very sure about the upper right corner because the leaves were pretty much cut off suddenly there so I tried to hide that using a lot of white light. I added some rays of sunlight to make a smoother transition from an almost entirely white corner to an extremely colorful image. Then saturated the whole thing, and used some darkening gradient on the bottom left corner. I still think there's too much light overall and that sole leaf looks like it's emitting all of it but Zix didn't complain and left it there. I still think we should try to paint more leaves or ground or some tiles so this may get updated in the future.


This time you see the second collab of Elisa and me :DD If anybody remembers it's been quite long ago aaand right after our first collab we decided to make another one with this awsome scan (Thanks to Shirayuki-san)

I can't say there was articulate division of duties, we just made things we do best and cheacked each other ^-^ Firstly Elisa drawn missed parts and vectored the lineart, then I fullfilled the pic with colours (yeah, leaves could kill! Maybe it was the main reason of finishing the wall for so long). There're 10 (!) different kinds of leaves and 10 different kinds of their colours. Highlights and shadows are put on them by hand (long-long-long putting tiny details @_@ Elisa even asked me if I'm still sane XDD).

Elisa also coloured the kitten and the lineart :3

To make the wall look more interesting we added some textures (if anybody is interested in).

After that we combined our abilities to add all the sun and lightning effects.

About the whole impressions: I knew that I didn't have the abilities to make such wall by my own and was really glad when Elisa agreed to wall it together :3 Also it's even good that creating the wall took so much time - I changed Yakumo several times. Looking back to my experience of making walls from the work's beginning I could honestly say - it was much worse than now. I'm trying to improve my vectoring abilities from wall to wall. And saying that Elisa has improoved her skills means saying nothing. She totally sharpened her art proficiency and created her style. I'm happy to have such friend :DD

Also we both haven't seen the anime, sorry if there're any inaccuracies

Comments and faves are appreciated :)


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  1. Alenas Retired Moderator Nov 22, 2014


    Now that that's out of my system, I gotta say I love the way you tweaked that texture on his pants/jeans. You can clearly see you paid attention to the direction of his legs and additional texture looks very good on the book, too. The vectoring is also pretty neat and I love those smooth, subtle brush strokes on the cat's fur. Nice job on the lighting and those stray rays of light over Yakumo's face (love that eye of his~) If I had to nitpick about something, it would be about adding some minimal shading/lighting touches on those leaves closest to the viewer but just looking at the amount of them, I can see what a pain they must've been like to just color and gradient. xD

    Lovely work, both of you! Hope to see more from you in the future! :)


  2. elisadevelon Retired Moderator Nov 22, 2014

    Lol, that white light in the corner looks like a void. Coming closer and about to devour both Yakumo and the poor kitty. I still can't get over it. But other than that, I love how this turned out. I'd totally fav this if I could. Zix, you did most of the work here; you've perfected your vectoring abilities to the highest possible level. Look at all those shadows on the clothes! Look at the gradients on Yakumo's hair! Who's sharpened their art proficiency, really? You've improved so much and this wall shows that in its every detail.

  3. Valuna Retired Moderator Nov 22, 2014

    Those collarbones!That flatness! No boobies! ITS A BISHIE (hooray). Love how it'd vectored and the lighting is pretty. Not gonna say much except that more texture would have been nice...like on the leaves. Kitty is qt, pants are love and he is sexy XD

    Oh right...it even fits the current season...its too cold to wear so little now though!

  4. Monu-chan Retired Moderator Nov 23, 2014

    Oh! My...
    I love it! *sets as desktop background*
    I love the little cat and Yakumo's Damn hot red colored eye!

  5. DragonBlood Nov 23, 2014

    It's sweet! I love the textures and colors! Great work! :D

  6. pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Nov 23, 2014

    Hot damn, so much detail here! Mad props to Elisa for getting rid of that nasty spine and Painter for trudging through the leaves (I'm assuming that's how you two divided up the "main" work). Also digging the subtle textures on the cat, book and jeans; I noticed the one on the cat but probably would've missed the one on the book if you hadn't pointed it out in the description.

    Eh, a tile path or a dirt path would look natural on the right, like he's just plopped himself down near a path in a park. Also, am I the only one thinking it'd get really cold on the ground even with a blanket? Let alone sleeping like that. Brr!

    Really solid work you have here, guys. Both of us spoiled us rotten with so much shiny <3

  7. Cilou Nov 24, 2014

    You're faster than me, it was one of my project ... that I'll give up because yours is so perfect!
    Thanks for your hard and wonderful work!

  8. ghazalkashani Nov 25, 2014

    ummm....who is he? hahaha he's so cute XD
    I love it alot
    thanks to both of you for your great works TwT

  9. fitarol15 Nov 25, 2014

    i love it! omg i love the cat and the leaves and the guy looks cute ^_^
    Great work the two of you made a masterpiece ^_^

  10. oty-kun Nov 25, 2014

    perfect peace. All its perfect. The shadows, the glows, all its realy great, congratulations for the awesome wallpaper.

  11. sister30 Apr 30, 2017

    Wow that's is cool,I love this .

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