
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper: ~Celestial Reflections~

CLAMP, Madhouse, Cardcaptor Sakura, Magic Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Cardcaptor Sakura Series Magic Meta

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I actually finished. Wow...and what....it's only been a month? I have been slacking off sooo much in school >.< Anyways, here's the wall i made for toujin1's really nice Mirror (from Card Captor Sakura if you didn't know guys ^^) sketch. I colored it in and cged a lil, then i walled it.

Allright. I was going for a "scene from the anime" look, where the Mirror (the clow card mind you) would appear. In the anime, the mirror (the glass mirror that Mirror comes out of...ouch...got tounge tied there XD ) didn't have wings, but for the sake of artistic-ness i decided to add wings. There. Rant over XD

Comments and favs much appreciated. Props goes out to toujin1 for letting me mess up her really sweet drawing some so i could wall it ^^ Credit goes to imanimeations for their sweet tree brushes.

toujin1's sketch: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/55080/
my colored and cged verson of her sketch: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/62864/

Be sure to visit http://www.animeeclipse.net for other walls and other goodies ^^

EDIT: Made the magic seals myself by looking at screenshots of the anime and by the pen tool. I gotta admit making the seal was the hardest but at the same time the coolest thing i did ^^

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  1. Frosty Dec 06, 2004

    you work on it for a month... XD must of been somethin.... ^^
    looks great. ^^ the editing of the image must of took a bit... *saw the original sketch* XD
    nice touch with the circle works on the bottom of the image too. ^^
    a and +fav for a job well done. ^^

  2. jackalx66 Dec 06, 2004

    my my , halycon ^^
    this is one piece of art i must say
    i love it so much
    everything blend well
    and caught in the eye
    thx for ur effort and share it in here ^^
    + fav for ur effort

  3. winterlilac09 Dec 06, 2004

    Quite a job you did with the wall, halcyon. Awesome. Personally, I love Mirror. The original sketch was extremely well-done and in my opnion, you did a wonderful job cg-ing and walling it. The wings are a nice effect and I like the way the character seems to glow so vibrantly from the middle, illuminating the entire wall; I like the effect. The text on the side seems a bit out of place but don't mind me... It still looks great with or without it. The background seems simple enough but I like it. The grass came out really nicely too... The bluish colors in the background and the glow fit well with one another and I like how you had Mirror's hair colored a soft greenish tone. It makes it stand out well and so it doesn't look like too harsh of a color change. All in all, nice work. It's a fav for me. ^.^

  4. KorganoS Dec 06, 2004

    Awesome... awesome... ^^
    From a drawing, to cg'ed. to a fantastic wall....
    +fav for a work well done...

  5. tAtEkAnE Dec 06, 2004

    nice work halcyon XD it's all done by you! image and BG! that'c great :) the text could be improved XD and maybe tone down the glow of the girl @_@ anyhoo those are just suggestions :)

  6. CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator Dec 06, 2004

    Good things come to those who wait. Sometimes the best things in life take longer and its almost always worth the wait. Well is this one? HELL YES! I have to say I haven't seen anything thats made me just feel such bliss inside until I viewed this background......I was just staring at it and it just hit me....shes like an angel...The lighting on the scan is simply insane. I can't believe that you did so much to this. Most of all, the magic circle around the girl.......Holy crap that is what I'm talking about. Not to mention the perfect atmosphere of the sky, is it just me or do I feel like I'm actually looking up at the sky? I think I am @_@ I swear its far too detailed to be fake.. Detail and precision accuracy with the way it should be. I'm very impressed to say the least and I'm glad I'm alive to witness this... Thanks for sharing this with us Halcyon, you are truly amazing.

  7. kimyoutora Dec 06, 2004

    Pretty nice, I really like the illumination of the grass in the backgroung. The artwork is pretty nice but with some more work, it will be even better. Overall, good job!

  8. ethavisell Dec 06, 2004

    exelent........oh wonderfull....realy wonderfulll.....................................^^very work

  9. cygnus Dec 06, 2004

    Kirei nee.... :D So pretty... you turned it into wall, at last! Yay! *fav*

  10. toujin1 Dec 06, 2004

    yayyyyy its here!! and i must admit it came out even better than i expected! honto ne arigato gozaimashita (bows) , this wall is just great, though going into the ys will leave me repeating what a million other people thought.
    but i must say that i understand y it took so long...i mean, wah! detail much!
    thanks again dal!

  11. Hikari87 Dec 06, 2004

    Oooh~ wooow~~ ^o^ It's an aweeesome wallie!
    *starr* totally excellent~~ *look at the original sketchy~* ^^v
    Those grass effects are nice too~~ yeah and of course, the seal! Sugoi~!!
    Keep up the great work, Halcyon-chan! XD

  12. Devilet Dec 06, 2004

    ohh, very pretty halcyon ^^
    I like the scan, and the light around her is so magical.. really makes a good highlight. The background matches well with her, and the colours are perfect for a night time scene.. the grass looks a bit odd, but not too odd to be horribly or anything.. Sky is great, and in the far background you see some houses and mountain.. wow.. great stuff, a favourite for me ^_^

  13. XDarkDestinyX Dec 06, 2004

    Wow~ ^.^ It shows off your skills very very nicely~ I love it...but to me it seems abit bright... lolz.

  14. Kenzotsuke Dec 06, 2004

    oh oh oh!!!!!very cool!love the 'holy brightness"of your wall!very cool!nice job on the grass too!!congrats for this cool walie!
    hop....+fav :D

  15. ShiroiLina Dec 06, 2004

    great job on the grass and on the sakura symbol! very very well done! love how you made the effect! :D great work! keep it up!!!! :D

  16. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Dec 06, 2004

    itz soo kyooooteeee!!! ^-^ nd magicalll!!

    i luverzzz the whole bg and light effect!! ^O^

  17. blueotaku-sp Dec 07, 2004

    Hey really nice!!

    I like this a LOT seems so mystical, really nice!!
    The grass and the magic seal are really nice and well done!! :)
    The "scan" it's realy good one, nice done toujin1!
    One thing that makes this one outsatnd from others wallies it's the light usage and the beauty colored sketch but the lil effect it's just too shiny maybe a lil not that bright will be better, but as always that's my Point of View!! Indeed a relly nice work and I was kinda waiting to see this one!! (and have to wait some time for)

    +Favs. Lovely! :) :) :) :)

  18. pinkdoremi Dec 07, 2004

    ooo... pretty ^___^ mirror's my fav clow card xD anyways, really pretty lighting effects ^-^ i love da magic circle :D the main picture is a bit too white for my test though.... but other than that it's a really great wallie :D +fav ^.^

  19. euna Retired Moderator Dec 07, 2004

    simply beautiful...
    I luv mirror.. she's so cute!
    Anywayz, back to the wall...
    Beautiful glow effects.... nice grass... the wall overall is simply beautiful... I like the title too...
    very nicely done. *fav*

  20. Yina Dec 07, 2004

    wow... wonderful background!!! and beautiful fanart!!!! O__O +fav ^^

  21. PastorOfMuppets Dec 07, 2004

    Quality job you ve done there man!!!!!
    congratulations for your fantastic creation~~~!!!

  22. GintheTwilightswords Dec 07, 2004

    I've been waiting for you to submit this as an wall,what took so long :nya: ?j/k I luv it sooooo much XD :D XD !!! Pretty much how I said it looke don your userpage,it's overwhelming gorgeous^uu^.I luv the whole package:the garss,the bg,the wings you added,and the auar that I suggested(yeah :D !!).You did an magnificent job on the wall Halcyon,I'm sure toujin1 would love it(looks at her post)ok I guess she does XD .

  23. cloudcherry Dec 07, 2004

    wow hallie!!! ^_________^
    Youre work is always sooooo amazing!!!! (n____n)
    I luv it how u have used doujinshi instead of a scan - very unique
    I luv this wall, everything about it is beautiful, you are just sooooo talented ^_______^
    Gorgeous!!!! ^________^ deffinately a fave (n____n)

  24. Fantasia Dec 09, 2004

    so awesome~~~~~~~~with the awesome bg,the douj is times nicer than the single one
    the wing&the light effect are relly beautiful!!!!
    Great douj&wall~

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