
Pita Ten Wallpaper: ~Pita Angel~

Koge Donbo, Pita Ten, Misha (Pita Ten) Wallpaper
Koge Donbo Mangaka Pita Ten Series Misha (Pita Ten) Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well well what do u know people here yet another wall to [not] add to ur collection. For THOSE who dislike most of my work *cough*800x600*cough* i decided to make this my 1st and LAST 1024x768 wall. Maybe it's the Christmas spirit that i made it this big XD. *waits and see who d/l this*

Hm.. wonder where can i start, Well i orignally wanted it to have this windy effect as if she was falling down from the sky but it end up not turning out that way maybe i'm not as good as i thought XD. After i finish my [some what] wind effect i had to get the colorize so i ask a good friend of mine which we all know her as [Winterlilac09] ^^ so i want to thank her for picking out the pinkish background, also it kinda felt unbalance on the right side since the wall is pretty big XP so i decided to add a few brush to balance out the side and wa-la here it is. XD i think the quote kinda ruin the work over all, if it does and u want a clean wall plz dont hesitate to ask me and i'll give it to ya. I hope u enjoy this wall.

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  1. Kitaan Retired Moderator Dec 06, 2004

    yay!! i've been waiting to see a new wall from you it's very beautiful i love Pita Ten
    nice bg it goes very nice with her i love it keep up your work your doing great^^
    and i'll add it to my faves^_^

  2. Devilet Dec 06, 2004

    waiiwaii! It's Misha from Pita Ten!! ^o^
    *plays Wake Up Angel*
    hehe, well this is actually pretty good imo, the best I've seen so far from you.. man, you're always so hard on yourself, and actually the quote looks fine, doesn't seem abtrusive.. ^^
    the background effects are well done, all have a simple and light colour to not bring too much attention from Misha, hahaha, this is a fav *pats Tai's back* job well done ^_^

  3. Lemur Dec 06, 2004

    Very good work. Nice BG and color theme.
    I like it + fav

  4. NachoKun Dec 06, 2004

    Mishaaaa... so cuuuute *_*
    great use of colors and nice background!
    nice font and wonderful Misha pic!
    **downloads because it's soo cute and cant help himself**

  5. Kei-kun Restricted Member Dec 06, 2004

    Yeah this is good. And it's about time you make one in 1024x768... ^_^'
    The character Misha is cute, although I'm not familiar with Pita Ten. Very cute bold figure. I love that dress, it looks like a chinese dress. ^_^' But the bottom is too wide for it to be one.

    The quote might spoil it a bit, but it depends on the user. I think it's better the quote, just the name and anime title would be sufficient (for me anyway).

    Good stuff. You're way above my standards in Photoshop.

  6. kbobd Dec 06, 2004

    u have made a wonderful wallpaper Keough :) awsome Pita Ten!!! u need to make more

  7. albinorap Banned Member Dec 06, 2004

    cool wp.

  8. calisqo Dec 06, 2004

    The background is nice.
    Really like the texture on the bg.

    The font is really soft matching with the whole composition.
    The scan is also nice, though it might be a little bold for the bg.

    OVERALL this is a good wall.
    Thanks for sharing I'm liking what I'm seeing here : )

  9. chingetscook Dec 06, 2004

    Very nice, 1024x768 goodness ;)

    The background is nice, and the scan is very cute. The texturing in the background is nice, and the sparkles are not overdone, good work!

  10. winterlilac09 Dec 06, 2004

    Waaaaiiiiii!!!!! Finally, you've decided to submit your new wallie. :) It's sssssshhhhhooooo pretti! Thnx for mentioning my name, by the way... lolz ::blushe:: ~^.^~ Love the background... I'm glad that the color I chose worked out...kinda. ^_^' Erm.... the text isn't bad. At least, I didn't think so.... I think it fits and it matches well with the wallie. Mhm... ::nodz:: And yesssh, the extraction did come out quite nicely and Misha lookz sho adorable. :) Definitely goin' in my favs, this one. <~ [And also cuz I helped make it... Roflmao. XD ]

  11. Hagane Dec 06, 2004

    anyway we can convince you to keep making 1024 x 768?

    That way I can try to convince you to make 1280 x 960 for my laptop.

    But, props to the pictures. I love it. +fav there.

  12. dpoon Dec 06, 2004

    Wow that's a really nice pic, thanks for sharing ^_____^
    btw, would u please tell me what is Pita Ten all about? coz I'm not familiar to it~~ Thanks ^^

  13. joepolo2002 Dec 06, 2004

    Love Misha, don't see enough wallpaper that has her as the main subject. Great image and background. :D

  14. broken-dreamz Dec 06, 2004

    hmm baka keosuke!
    anyways I'm blind right now since I have no glasses as I am typing rite now, so excuse any typos >o< grrr...anyways your wallies are always great ^o^'' baaaakkaaa make more 1024x768 =__= I dun care if I get the resolutions wrong...heeheee me dumbdum anyways! nana have a math quiz suppose to stupid but whoc ares just failing is fine! anyways continue making moreeeeee wallizzz okiinookkizzz..=__=''

  15. RouSi Dec 06, 2004

    Quote by KeoughHiya Rousi!, Just wanted to personally come by and thnk u for addin mai Pita Ten to ur fav i very much appreciate it.

    Don't mention it ^.^ I just add (+fav) it because i like it very much, it's very sweet :) Good job!!

  16. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Dec 06, 2004

    *poke poke pokkkee*

    >o< yu extracted it?? it looks like it was already extracted from atheareality [s/p] .. ^o^ rofllzz ..

    itz kyoooteeee!! ^______________^

  17. Cajime Dec 07, 2004

    oh my! Just the sweetest thing! So much sweetness XD~ and it's pink... pink is good!

  18. GintheTwilightswords Dec 07, 2004

    Kuuru^uu^!!!This wall is so gorgeous :) .I liek the cloruing and the brush effects for this wall,and the scan you chose of the girl is so beautiful.I don't think it looks bad at all.Terrific job Keough :D .I would suggets switching between *00x600 every so often to keep people from complaing so much,but they shouldn't.I've seen way smaller scan sizes than that and alot less prettier,so the compaliners should be ahppy that they getting great pieces like this one.

  19. Nakayori Dec 15, 2004

    ;__; :: Wails. :: MT won't let me download it. t.t;; Drats. >__<;; Anyway, from what I can see in the thumbnail, it looks aweeeeesome. ^__^;; I see red... red is good... :: Cackles. :: <__<;; :: Bites the favorite button, hops off. :: x3;;

    p.s. Waaaai, I like her outfit. ;-; :: Tug. ::

  20. Moyga Jan 23, 2005

    love it. its cute and kind of looks like sumthing ud see sprayed on the all like graffiti style withe the bold edgeing and style of the writing

  21. mishia Feb 09, 2005

    oooooooooooh! Misha is so kawaii! I haven't seen this picture in many places. Anyway, nice job on our wallie! :D

  22. Getsufuhma Feb 12, 2005

    so kawaii. ^_^' great looking wallpaper. and I just love that character on it. so nice. :) definitely a fav. ;)

  23. danslasher May 23, 2005


  24. MS0B9 Jun 29, 2005

    Aww... Look how cute she is! I love the wallie it's so sweet. :) Great job Keough and adding to favs!

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