
Stray Love Hearts Wallpaper: Coming back

Aya Shouoto, Stray Love Hearts, Kito Ninomiya, Vector Art Wallpaper
Aya Shouoto Mangaka Stray Love Hearts Series Kito Ninomiya Character Vector Art Source

2560x2048 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hello everyone!
I'm here with my new wall of the year! because with College and those things I only have enough time to make wallies on holidays :''D
Well, I decided to make this wall after reading Stray Love Hearts and seeing this picture (thank you Srsn for you scan! : D).
With that, firstly, I made the vector of Ninomiya using PhotoShop CS6 and then I had to look for old trains pictures and trains station to design all the background:
Train Station
and other pictures to give more details to the scene. In addition, I used some filters and effects to change the lights and give another ...mmm ...."aura".

Well, I know I have to improve a lot (and I don't have too much time to practice :''D) so all your comments and opinions help me a lot, so please, leave a comment if you have something to say!

I really hope you like my wall! thanks for reading! :)

P.S. I've submitted different versions of the wall with a resolution of 2560 x 2048, and one with a resolution of 2560 x 1600, but, if someone wants a version with other resolution, please, let me know ^^

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  1. Kurorisa Aug 13, 2014

    you did a good job redesigning the whole wall with a background. there are a few parts of your vector that looks messy though and you blur your shading a bit too much imo. it makes it look messier instead of prettier, specially on the train. you can also add more shades to the background because they look pretty flat (make it darker the further the bg). but good job on reconstructing this into one as a whole! :D

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