wow this looks like it took a while to do, i like it and awesome work Yoru
oh um i watching on DA ;)
Well, it's been a while since i last posted a wallpaper, but anyway, my obsession toward Tokyo Ghoul made me make a
wallpaper for my desktop, layout
on tumblr and edit for tumblr hahhaa
^_^' It took me about 3 hours to make, i used a lot of different textures and some of my brushes and i'm kinda
proud of it.
Original scan:
Textures: [by
thejacketslut@tumblr] [by
Can be found on:
- my tumblr account as edit
- probably going to be uploaded on my deviantart account
as well
It goes without saying that i don't permit editing of my wallpapers, cropping out of the signature and reuploading on other sites. Please respect that.
No other submissions
wow this looks like it took a while to do, i like it and awesome work Yoru
oh um i watching on DA ;)
OMG. You made a Tokyo Ghoul wall. Of Touka, too! I love you so much right now! xD
I really like the color choices and all those tidbits in there. Makes everything look as chaotic and disturbed as Touka is in that image but still with a nice composition. Nice job~
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