
Street Fighter x Tekken Wallpaper: Street Fighter Ryu Dragon Punch

Capcom, Street Fighter x Tekken, Street Fighter, Ryu Wallpaper
Capcom Studio Street Fighter x Tekken Game Street Fighter Series,Game Ryu Character

1680x1050 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This one came out much better than I'd ever hoped!

Time: Few hours
Tools used: Photoshop, Hard Brush tool, Smudge tool, Eraser tool.
Resource used: Ryu (Actually it was a google image, but it was just like this, just bit smaller, but can't find it now)
Dimensions: 1680x1050

Wallpaper made for Wallpaper Games 2's

Process: I just played around with layer modes at first and due to a happy accident using the lens flare filter, I somehow got the idea of this wall. Oh and also applied some random filter on Ryu image.. I tried to paint with hard brush this time instead of using smudge tool completely as I usually do.
Everything except the Ryu image is painted. The fire on left was much easy and fun to draw as compared to the fire drawn on left... that one was hell... it's so difficult to draw using mouse and hard brush.

Please pardon if I mess up the upload or have forgot to mention something in this comment. I'll try to correct anything if I notice it. And sorry for unimaginative wallpaper name -.-'

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  1. angelearth10 Jan 18, 2015

    Match 03: "Fire Elemental"


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    Thanks for your participation!
    From: ::Angel:: WG-2 Admin.


  2. kuchukuTulip Aug 15, 2016

    Wow! Thats really nice *-*

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