
Ensemble (Visual Novel) Wallpaper: I hear you...

Hiroki Haritama, F&C, DreamSoft, Ensemble (Visual Novel), Wakaba Terada Wallpaper
Hiroki Haritama Mangaka F&C Studio DreamSoft Studio Ensemble (Visual Novel) Visual Novel Wakaba Terada Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Does anyone know what series this wallpaper belongs in? If you do, don't hestitate to tell me... x_x; [Edit: thanks goes to Shrike for telling me which category this wallpaper belongs in ^_^]

Anywho, tell me if you see the mountains in this wallpaper, too.... If you do... and you can identify them as mountains, then it means I've done an okay/decent job... If you can't even see the mountains in this wallpaper.... tell me as well... It means they were so bad that you couldn't even tell what they were.....

It's one of those sky wallpapers.... Quite simplistic in idea ^^; I just created it because I love wallpapers that have a pink to blue gradient applied to the sky ^_^;

Hm... I'll do some shameless advertising as well. Visit http://moon-wave.net for other resolutions ^-^;;

No other submissions


  1. gendo1 Dec 03, 2004

    I don't know the series, but this is a really good design. Not so good resolution, however. (i'm using a crt!! XD)

  2. jackalx66 Dec 03, 2004

    i tell u here ^^
    or not .. ?
    well it's a filter called ...
    search in the artisitc ^^
    nice wall btw
    simple bt nice color and serene
    thx for ur efort and share it in here
    +fav from me ^^

  3. cloudcherry Dec 03, 2004

    Hiya shiri!!! ^______^
    *looks at download* ooooooh yes I can see the mountains!!!!
    And they are beautiful and glassy looking good job!!!!! Love the sky look the blues are very neat and match the beautiful scan very nicely. I like the little planety outlines too in the BG, overall a beautiful wall. Amazing BG, beautiful Scan, good job!!! (n____n)
    Oooh and a rainbow!!!!! puuurty ^_________^ good job!! I love it ^_______^

  4. bromithia Retired Moderator Dec 03, 2004

    She's kinda bright, but it's still really good. I love the clouds ^^; +favorite

  5. bromithia Retired Moderator Dec 03, 2004

    She's kinda bright, but it's still really good. I love the clouds ^^; +favorite

  6. kc2 Dec 03, 2004

    hey nice job, lovely colors ^^, as I said in your bg you'll have mine in some days! ^^ haha

  7. YoukaiexterminatorSango Dec 03, 2004

    I love the colours and the small rainbow in the backround! It's so cute! So majestic! Wonderdul job!

  8. dans Dec 03, 2004

    awesome wall. nice color. ^^
    *two thumbs up* a fav.
    btw, i can see the mountain. ^^

  9. calisqo Dec 03, 2004

    NIce bg as always.
    Shirahana has great taste in BG ^_^
    The scan Is also awesome.
    The pose that is : )

    Really cool , has that kinda mood.
    Really INteresting wall.
    Thanks for sharin : ) more

  10. halcyonTwilight Dec 03, 2004

    Nice :) The lighting is just awesome. And there's even feathers too XD But i gotta say the mountains aren't all that visible. Heh...i would have never guessed blue and pink go so well together ^^ Really great work on the clouds too...and there's even a rainbow XD !!!

  11. Shrike Dec 03, 2004

    The 'series' is a h-game called Ensemble, by the way. I did a bunch of scans from the arbook (check my gallery). As for the wall, it looks very pretty, but for my own tastes, it's much too bright to look at all day. :)

  12. IDontHaveAName Dec 03, 2004

    This is a very nice wallpaper. I can barely see the mountains, but this isn't a problem considering I'm virtually blind (years of staring directly at the sun will do that to you). Also, I would tend to agree with shrike on the opinion that it's a tad too bright. I definately don't want to be staring at this when I first wake up, but after that, I wouldn't mind it being my desktop wallpaper.

    Cons- Just a little too bright.

    Pros- Just about everything else.

    I give it a 9/10. Great job! This is going in my favorites, assuming I can figure out how to do it ^_^' .

  13. KorganoS Dec 03, 2004

    Gotta love thumbnails XD
    Yeah, nice details you put in it.... love the sky.... that's awesome...^^
    Very well done, but I think I must agree with the rest that it's a bit too bright....
    but anyways... this going to my favorites... :D

  14. Keltosh Retired Moderator Dec 03, 2004

    What can I say.. I love this wallpaper. really. It might be simplistric as you say, But I really wish I could do the sky like that. And the color layout of the wallpaper is nso good. Hmm .. the character is also very nice, I wonder which serie it is...
    Anyway, all in all, a great wallpaper :d Good job indeed :D An instant favorite

  15. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Dec 03, 2004

    I dont know about you buti think there should be more dark areas but in a light sense you get my drift? but yes the image is great, a bit artsy cos of the image quality but the whole bg works well in all of this...could fix the text a little :)

  16. Hanazaki Dec 03, 2004

    two thumbs up... :D i luv it... the cloud, the shining, the lightening... very amazing... :)

  17. Frosty Dec 03, 2004

    nice & bright wallie, ^^
    its got a nice sky bg. ^^ i think is just me but I think this wallie is a bit too bright to be a desktop wall. XD But I still like this one. ^^
    b+ and +fav for a great work. ^^

  18. Devilet Dec 03, 2004

    eehh, too bright? =/ clearly these people have not seen the original XD
    i have it on my HD, and you did a wonderful job.. the detailing is awesome.. everything looks to be shimmering and magical.. perfect for the scan.. a favourite in my books.. ^^

  19. AkinaSpirit Dec 03, 2004

    Wow ^^ nice wall... the colours are very pretty :D
    hmm.. girl looks familiar... maybe I've seen an MT scan of her but I don't remember what category >_> or it might have been 'Unknown' ...I'll keep looking ^_^'
    As for the mountains, probably wouldn't have noticed until I looked properly.. but I think eventually I would have worked it out ^^'

  20. Aquarii Dec 03, 2004

    nice wall~ shira~ ^^ I like the BG~ the cloud and feather are very well distributed~ oh ya~ I can see the mountain ^^ c ya around Shira~!

  21. Sandy Dec 03, 2004

    I dunno if it comes from a serie but the artist is Haritama Hiroki. The scan comes from PZ: http://projectzen.com/thumbnails.php?album=240 :)

  22. Rhapsody Dec 03, 2004

    Wow this is really nice..... it makes me think of hiking and being up at the very top of the mountain, which seems to me what you were trying to do with this. However, at the same time it seems almost heavenly! Anyway, great job! Oh also before I forget, did you use a brush for the feathers?

  23. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Dec 03, 2004

    the bg ish soo niicee~
    plus i loooveee the title and brightness~

  24. Kenzotsuke Dec 04, 2004

    wow!she's kinda bright, but it's still really good. I love the clouds!
    .........hop +fav :)

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