
Soul Eater Wallpaper: What the heck are you lookin’ at?

BONES, Soul Eater, Black Star, Maka Albarn, Death The Kid Wallpaper
BONES Studio Soul Eater Series Black Star Character Maka Albarn Character Death The Kid Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Old AP wallpaper (2010?) that I found while cleaning my computer. Even if I hate how stalled this site has become with time (with no clear signs of ever improving), I still thought it would be a waste not to post it after I found it.

I’ll have to admit that it’s a bit sad to see how redundant anime wallpaper communities had become nowadays. But then again, I’m not that surprised either. With activity levels like this (close to zero) and clear lack of wallpapers from brand new series, what can you expect, really.

I still haven’t watched this new Soul Eater NOT! series, but I’m planning on doing so whenever I get the chance. I’m not a fan of this manga spin-off of the series, but nevertheless I still hope this new series turns out to be a fun watch. If not, well I’m still glad that I get to see more of Soul Eater’s universe and characters animated again (in one way, or another).

Anyhow, all scans used in this wallpaper can be found in this site (Scans>Soul Eater). You can also see the scans under the progress chart below (progress chart does not included final version of the wallpaper):

PROGRESS CHART: url=http://imageshack.us/a/img153/1543/souleaterchart1.jpg

************ WALLPAPER DESCRIPTION, 2010

Basically I made this to practice texturing (although “play” would be a more accurate word than “practice”). Also, this wasn’t supposed to be a wallpaper to begin with, but since my bro wanted it for his desktop I turned into one.

I didn’t really care about this too much while I was working on it. I didn’t give too much thought to the overall concept-idea either. Basically, I added and created stuff randomly as I went along until I was somewhat satisfied with it.

Most of the characters’ images are from the series artwork. The whole BG was made entirely from scratch. It’s a simple room that took no more less than an hour to come up with (excluding assets (cans, roaches, bullet shells, etc) and textures).

Trustfully speaking, it’s too much hassle to explain how and why I did everything, especially the texturing parts, thus I won’t do it. You could say that a lot of color and texture blending-manipulation were involved in the progress.

I don’t really get to spend too much time (nor do I want to for matter fact) working on these stuff. I also get bored pretty quick if I work on them for long periods of time, so... Anyhow, the reason I’m posting this it’s because I thought some of you guys in here might get a kick out of it.

By the way, signature is on the wall, next to one of Maka’s unfinished pics.


Formats available: PNG, ***JPG
Dimensions available: 2560x1600, ***1920x1200 (16:10); 2560x1440, ***1920x1080 (16:9)

*** format and dimensions submitted in this site.


More Soul Eater Wallpapers

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Browse Soul Eater Gallery: Recent | Popular.


  1. Ruints Apr 30, 2014

    I remember this one .
    one of the best you ever made for me.
    Still have it on my computer , but it's on 1280x800 res. and now i used 1920 res.
    so Thanks for sharing ..

  2. Tsasu May 05, 2014

    I like the graphite on the wall , really good details.

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