This is beautiful! So rich in color (especially the sky outside, love a good sunset!) and details, the thumbnail drew my
attention instantly.
Did you color this digitally or use pencils? :o
Artist Comment
About a boy who always had a crush on his close friend, but it's a shame he never had a guts to tell the girl,
because the girl always says that he is her best male friend in campus. On that day at campus library at 5:30 pm, half
hour before library close time... He... Still just thinking it. Poor boy, why boy? why?
Real story? Only me who know, fufufu...
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pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Apr 28, 2014
fireflywishes Retired Moderator Apr 29, 2014
Oh gosh, this hits so close to home!
Love the coloring style of this one... I think the "watercolor-esque" look really suits the scene. :)
SolemnSerpent Aug 07, 2014
It's colorful, it's cherry, and it's beautiful - but the one thing I have to say about this?
Here, I suck with perspective in my artwork, and you're like, creating master bookshelves and making librarians weep from the beauty. Honestly though; your grasp on perspective is fantastic. A lot of artwork misses the mark on it, but you've got it down pat.
Nice work!
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