simply awesome! This is really good, I love it :)
Artist Comment
Title comes from Linkin Park's song "A place for my head" (changed it a little bit)
For a proper description, you may look at here Credits are also
Done it with a big resolution this time. Hope ya like it :D
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adventteenager Apr 10, 2014
pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Apr 11, 2014
Hmm, it's a pretty basic wallpaper, but if I may offer some suggestions: the character doesn't blend in with the background. Since you used a lot of brushes, you can have a few of the items in the background in purple (to match her dress) or pink (to match her hair), or maybe add some pink bokeh in front of her. The little cyan part near her shoulder doesn't really match anything else.
It doesn't take much to make this a good wallpaper; as it is now, it feels more like you pasted her on top of an already-made background and that's it, since there's no cohesion between the character and everything else. All this can be solved just by adding a bit of color to the background.
Cirru Apr 11, 2014
Nice idea, but the background feels too busy. : ( Beautiful image of Luka.
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