Very good!
Congratulations ^^
This work are very impressive, and goes direct to my desktop. I like that, now at the end of day ... ak.a... nightfall
Anyway,,, good work.-
1024x768 Wallpaper
Haruka&Michiru one of my favorite series-gay-couples.
Normaly the priest would say "Dominus vobiscum" to all the people; in this case it is like a dialogue between
the both charas (tecum adesses the 2nd person singular).
Haruka: Dominus tecum (May the Lord be with you...)
Michiru: cum spiritu tuo (and with your spirit)
Browse Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Very good!
Congratulations ^^
This work are very impressive, and goes direct to my desktop. I like that, now at the end of day ... ak.a... nightfall
Anyway,,, good work.-
This wallpaper turned out really cool. I like how the two go wellgether in a fused kind of way. Very coolllll!
This wallpaper turned out really cool. I like how the two go wellgether in a fused kind of way. Very coolllll!
awesome!!!! love how someone actually made another cool uranus and neptune wall. theyre me fav if you couldn't tell!
This looks awesome! I like the colors and the feathers. ^^
And I like how you made the wallpaper look so emotional and yet so dangerous.
This is a very cool wallpaper! The two sides blend together very nicely in the middle and all the elements fit in place perfectly. The pics of Haruka and Michiru are really pretty too!
I absolutely adore the work you did with this wallpaper. It came out really nice, and I love the colors and fading. I really wish I could do that, but alas I am photoshop illiterate xX; Nice job n.n;
my favourite couple!!! thank you thank you for making such a beautiful wallpaper ^_^
+fav that's for sure :nya:
This is such a fascinating concept for a Haruka/Michiru wallpaper. It turned out so beautifully, too. Definately going on my favorites list. I am really impressed.
I love this wallpaper. Straight to my desktop and favourited as well.
Wow I love that wallpaper! It is so beautiful. The colors blend wonderfuly together.
muy bueno, esta muy bien hecho
va a ser el primero que agrego a los favoritos
cool! realy i think my lady will like this)))) Haruka & Michiru 4ever)))))))
this is one heck of artwork...
one of a kind....unique, stylish and excellent sense of details in to the colors
thanks for sharing...i love it
This wallpaper is lovely. The blending and images you used, woah. The words are lovely to, now that I know what they mean. ^^ Great job!
nice walli! XD
the only 2 passionate scouts.
Awesome Fusion of having elements of NGE and Sailor Moon into an Outstanding wallpaper featuring Uranus & Neptune ;)
good work.
Great! Thank you! Wonderful artwork.
Thank you very much for sharing
merged: 09-24-2010 ~ 02:57pm
Thank you very much for sharing
awsome?? the picture is very awsome?Hope u can share more pic of them
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