
Wandaba Style: Goto_P WS01

Goto-P, Wandaba Style, Yuri Fuyude
Goto-P Mangaka Wandaba Style Series Yuri Fuyude Character


My scan, from Wandaba Style, thanks.

No other submissions


  1. volrath77 Nov 30, 2004

    Ah, a cute girl. Good one.

  2. Darla83 Nov 30, 2004

    She is nice I just "love" her pose it's so characteristic :) beautiful!! +favorite

  3. Celessa Retired Moderator Nov 30, 2004

    hm... very pretty indeed, haha

    Nice job - I'll take it! ^^ Wo0t!

  4. MistressLegato Apr 02, 2005

    She has one of the cutest outfits! I really like the box cover with Tsukumo on it, but I haven't been able to find any worthwhile scans of him!

  5. lapuk May 29, 2005

    oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh i know a wall who used this scan and i've bin looking for this scan for so long..aaaahhh finally.. thanks for sharing

  6. phamthuha Oct 17, 2005

    Nice scan >_< Thanks so much for sharing it !

  7. ngotaudixemay Dec 16, 2009

    Nice scan!
    Thanks for sharing!

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