Thank you for Sharing this, Do not have the other covers available? I've shared some here in MT, but I had some difficulty getting the others.
Shinobu Ohtaka Mangaka
A-1 Pictures Studio
MAGI: The Labyrinth of Magic Series
Aladdin (MAGI) Character
Alibaba Saluja Character
Cover of the seventh volume of Blu-ray to the TV anime MAGI The labyrinth of magic.
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Suzumiya-Boy Jul 01, 2013
justpassingby Jul 02, 2013
Quote by Suzumiya-BoyThank you for Sharing this, Do not have the other covers available? I've shared some here in MT, but I had some difficulty getting the others.
I have all the volumes, I just haven't scanned them except for this, which was too good I couldn't resist not doing it. I might do the others later on.
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