
Free! (Rin Matsuoka, Makoto Tachibana, Nagisa Hazuki, Haruka Nanase (Free!), Rei Ryuugazaki)

Kayo Hikiyama, Kyoto Animation, Free!, Makoto Tachibana, Rei Ryuugazaki
Kayo Hikiyama Mangaka Kyoto Animation Studio Free! Series Makoto Tachibana Character Rei Ryuugazaki Character


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  1. mecchan Dec 24, 2013

    this is so beautifull *__*

  2. Raeistic Dec 26, 2013

    This picture. Is fucking flawless. They look sexier than they do with their shirts off, and somehow that's saying something. Might I ask where you're getting these scans? Or rather, where the scans are from, is there some sort of Free! art book out?

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