As usual, you've made a beautiful wallpaper. I like every wallpaper you've made so far. Thanks for the hard work !
One of your fan.
2560x1600 Wallpaper
I didn't make wallpaper since a long time, but watched this anime and had this idea for a wall.
I captured lot of screenshots to create this original vector and wallpaper (CS3 as usual). That was very long and hard
to make it!
So I hope you'll enjoy!
No other submissions
As usual, you've made a beautiful wallpaper. I like every wallpaper you've made so far. Thanks for the hard work !
One of your fan.
Wait, I don't understand... who's shoulder is that between the guy with the purple hair and the guy with he red hair?
Thanks a lot!
This Series really needed a proper Wallpaper.
Amazing wallpaper! I love this series~~ QvQ
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