
AMNESIA Wallpaper: Which one would you like to be with?

Mai Hanamura, Brains Base, Idea Factory, AMNESIA, Toma (AMNESIA) Wallpaper
Mai Hanamura Mangaka Brains Base Studio Idea Factory Studio AMNESIA Series,Visual Novel Toma (AMNESIA) Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Finally finished it! D:

This's my entry for MTM FALLING INTO FALL contest and an early Birthday present for Elisa-chan :)

Wanted to make smth of those scans (1, 2, 3, 4, but I made vectors of old scans' versions) long ago and then got an idea after reading contest's rules. And this palette just fits those vectors http://oi44.tinypic.com/2hwij4m.jpg

More for description:
The main idea which's connected with anime's end was really easy to get, but I had very big problems with choosing the BG >.< Firstly it was even more boring. I wanted to add something connected with poker and didn't find anything on MT. Then I just gave up and became too lazy for about a month. Lately I decided to try once more and you saw what'd turned out of that >.> Now I tried to follow Horseradish's and Alenas' advices: added textures and some more cards, drew dices and poker chips. I do hope it doesn't look so empty anymore :) The only problem's that I can't change versions >.<

Faves and comments're really appreciated ^-^

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  1. Horseradish Oct 08, 2013

    the concept behind your wallpaper is very, very nice but somehow, IMO, it kinda lacks more elements to it. i wish there were more cards with their face up along with the 4 characters that you used here. doesn't matter it they don't have any character in them. so long as they're scattered around as well. would look nice if you added a faint/subtle paper texture since they're playing cards right? :D

    anyway, these are just my suggestions. ^^v hope they help you out in some way.

  2. Alenas Retired Moderator Oct 08, 2013

    I agree with Horseradish about adding some textures to the cards and more elements to spice things up - like scattered dices maybe, marbles, coins or other trinkets like that. Things look a bit empty right now. ^^;

    Nevertheless, I like the idea, the vectors look good and the color palette matches nicely with them, too. Good luck in the contest!

  3. elisadevelon Retired Moderator Oct 09, 2013

    This is nice! You've definitelly improved the wall by adding more elements to it! I like the poker chips; now it really looks like a poker gamble. :DD

  4. DragonBlood Oct 09, 2013

    This is cool! Looks much better than the other version!

  5. ghazalkashani Oct 10, 2013

    Beautiful wallpaper :D
    The guys looks good lol
    Great wall

  6. apriansya Oct 11, 2013

    i love the card concept...:)

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