
Kao no nai Tsuki Wallpaper: Pure Innocence

Carnelian, Pink Pineapple, Kao no nai Tsuki, Suzuna Kuraki Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Pink Pineapple Studio Kao no nai Tsuki Series,Visual Novel Suzuna Kuraki Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Ok! My second wallie =D I wanted to make something with soft colors and I ended up with this after playing around in Photoshop!! Took me awhile to make even though it looks so simple >< Hehe I personally really like how this turned out ^^

I've had this scan for a long long time I have no idea where it came from but looking at the drawing style I'm pretty sure its from Carnelian ^^;;

Comments? Please =)

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  1. calisqo Nov 27, 2004

    Congrats on ur 2nd wall : )
    Wow this does look innocent.

    The color probably the major thing in this wall that speaks "pure INnocent"
    The scan is a bit hidden to me though, But it is still acceptable for my liking

    I'm sure this wall Is great wall (and IT IS)
    cos like u said "I personally really like how this turned out "
    So good work keep it up!
    THANKS FOR sharing : )

  2. afan Nov 27, 2004

    Ooooooo O.O. Looks prettyful! The whole thing's
    too light for me. I mean the opacity is too low.

  3. Barbara Nov 27, 2004

    Kind of blurry, but still can see that the girl is very cute. Pretty good :)

  4. darksaberx88 Nov 27, 2004

    Ooooooo O.O. Looks prettyful! The whole thing's
    too light for me. I mean the opacity is too low.

  5. FireflyStar Nov 28, 2004

    thanks for the input guys! hehe i updated the wall with the girl at a higher opacity ^^

  6. 1219 Jul 03, 2005

    veryy cute. great jobb~ keep it up! ^_^

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