Sleepy Gareki *grabby hands* >w<
the hair looks neat and shiny nice work there, the hands should need a bit more of work since they look a bit sloppy,
but I can understand the hand drawing pain, also like the boldy lines, I wonder what was so boring to read to fall
asleep :P
Artist Comment
Hey everyone!
This time it’s Gareki from “Karneval” that I decided to draw. I really like this manga and was really happy when I
heard that it would have an anime adaption, but just like almost always they have the bad habit of ending it when things
start getting good. Anyway, I love the art in this manga, so I gave it a go. Gareki’s hair was a real pain, but it
came out decent enough. Just like with the other drawings, I’ve used only the pencil to draw it. It took me some time
to finish it, but it was worth it.
Hope you like it. (^_^)
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Angi Retired Moderator Sep 12, 2013
ghazalkashani Sep 15, 2013
Very beautiful work
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