oh my another adorable piece ! rather like the mixture of this one, kero has always been more hyper and less mature than Spinel Sun anyways. he always spazzed out just too much, which is why I enjoyed him so much. well done on the cuteness of the piece. +fav
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My 3rd Vector Art this week. This time it took me a little longer than before. First time vectoring two characters all in one. Fell in love with this little scan as soon as I saw it.
Characters: Spinel Sun & Keroberos
Anime: Card Captor Sakura
Layers: at least 55
Merged: 20
Hours/Minutes: 5 hours and 20 minutes
Encountered a problems with the lines because the original scan was too tiny to actually make it larger and follow the lines along the way. I enjoyed the whole process all the way and discovered some very nice songs. >.<
So I realized that I didn't have my signature on the vector when I submitted it. Also the lines were too pointed in
some of them. So I updated the vector with new lines and added my signature. Though you might not be seeing the new one
yet, it should be up in the next hmmmm no idea. ENJOY!
So the thumbnail does not show the signature and some of the changes that I have made, but when full viewed it shows
every changes that was made.
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angelxxuan Banned Member Sep 02, 2013
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