
Kobato: Kobato Vector III

CLAMP, Madhouse, Kobato, Suishou, Vector Art
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Kobato Series Suishou Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment


With glee, I am giving you all at MT the PNG version of the Kobato vector used in the 'Dont Leave' wallpaper. The JPEG above is nothing more than a thumbnail, the below link to the extracted PNG file is what you want. If you feel you can make a wallpaper, signature, etc, out of the vector then by all means have at it.

My only request is you send me a PM with where you use her at.

Dont Leave Wallpaper: Here

Vector Stats
Time: 14 Hours
Layers: 70
Character: Kobato Hanato
Series: Kobato
Studio: CLAMP
Character Design by CLAMP

Derpy is best pony.

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  1. Angi Retired Moderator Aug 27, 2013

    loved this vector (and wall too)
    the only thing that bothered me was the part where the hair goes down the eye, I know in many animes artists draw the hair beneath the eyes to give them more protagonism? :P but still I found this one had too much hair beneath, anyways talking about hair, love what you did there :P.

    And of course! Derpy rules!

  2. kuryuki Aug 30, 2013

    ouo nice work here~~really enjoying the palette you choose
    I do have a few suggestions about the tears and eyes though, next time you vector tears, try colouring them in almost the same way as you did the pearls here, since water droplets do reflect quite a lot (:
    and for the eyes, I find the highlighted part has too much shape compared to the rest of the eye making it stand out in a weird way, try making sure that the elements in the eye works together with each other and blends. hmm ..I think for this one the eyes would look better if you blended the top part of the "lighter part of the eye" towards where the rest of the eye a little more and added some brighter highlighting strokes where the lighter part is instead of having a solid shape there.

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