
Kobato Wallpaper: Dont Leave

CLAMP, Madhouse, Kobato, Suishou Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Kobato Series Suishou Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Original source image:

I'm not entirely sure which chapter/page its from.
Cherry tree and color scheme from:
Kobato illustration & memories p.42

Sparkly stuff from: http://platinification.deviantart.com/

Kobato Hanato is owned by CLAMP.

You took too friggin' long, now go outside and play.

There are 2 (two) versions of this wallpaper, one appears during the day, the other at night. Edit, I figured it out, alternative versions of each of the current wall sizes is now there. WOO. The sizes are:

1600 by 1200
1920 by 1080
1920 by 1200
2048 by 768

Will make a note in the future to offer more size options. Thanks for downloading, enjoy the wallpaper.

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  1. joey101 Aug 24, 2013

    Really pretty..i luv it!.

  2. Aiira Aug 24, 2013

    What drew me in from this wallpaper were her tears. Looking at the original scan, differentiating the tears from just your regular manga extras is quite burdensome. I just love how you portrayed the scenery around her, but I really liked the night version of the wallpaper.

    The addition of the cherry blossom also upgraded the whole look, but the background in the middle look a bit deserted to me. Sure, the cherry blossoms takes the whole wallpaper but I don't think adding a few trees behind hurt would hurt.

    Otherwise, it's a good wall.

  3. Alenas Retired Moderator Aug 24, 2013

    Oh, you made the sky more blue! Yeah, looks a bit more natural now although you could've left those yellowish/green shades in between the pink and blue to better illustrate the transition between those two colors since the pink turns into blue a bit abruptly now, lol. And the tears could be less blue or brighter blue. ^^;

    A few trees in the middle wouldn't be bad as Aiira said (or birds) but it also looks perfectly fine like this. You did a very nice job on vectoring and coloring this overall. Keep up the good work! :)

  4. SilverCat-sama Aug 24, 2013

    It's pretty. I like the night version better^^

  5. Kitaan Retired Moderator Aug 24, 2013

    The vector is gorgeous, and you finished this pretty quickly considering you
    just recently released that Belldandy wallpaper :)
    I really enjoy the smoothness of the vector, I do wish the BG had a bit more
    appeal but considering how detailed the vector is I'll let it slide~

    I do agree with Alenas on the adding some flowers in the back or
    even blurring some in the front to show some more depth.

    All in all a beautiful piece, great job <3

  6. Valuna Retired Moderator Aug 24, 2013

    Looks great, amazing...love the vectoring. Not much of a fan of the night version...hoped to have some nice illumination which doesnt make any sense other than making it one hell of a piece which didnt happen either...well, still looks good. Great, well done...keep up the good work!

  7. ghazalkashani Aug 24, 2013

    Its pretty and cute XD
    Awesome work

  8. sweetanimegirl24 Aug 24, 2013

    Loved this series~* Great job! ^_^

  9. drknessangel Aug 25, 2013

    Wow, this looks great!

    I love the soft colors you used for this, and of course the beautiful positions of the sakura. ;D

  10. blueangel06661 Aug 25, 2013

    Personally I still liked the green sky... I thought the green contracted all the reds, pinks, and tan colors nicely.

    The plum blossoms fit in very nicely with the vector, and I understand the way the background is as to not over busy the wall. People need somewhere where they can see their desktop items right? Either way great balance, great portrayal of emotions and color.

    I like the day version better I think though.

  11. flyindreams Aug 27, 2013

    I actually prefer the night version because I like the contrast from the glowy bits and the slightly more moody feel - but both versions are meticulously vectored, well done ^^ Although I agree with alenas about the color of the tears looking a bit off, I think it's because the shading on the whites of her eyes are a bit blue too - so less blue I think would probably help.

  12. FiiFO Aug 29, 2013

    Both the day and night versions look great and great work on the vector!
    Considering is based on a black and white scan, you did a nice job on the colours.

  13. jetfreddy Aug 24, 2015

    Impresionante trabajo amigo, te quedó espectacular esta imagen y bueno muchas gracias por compartirla.

  14. AegisHalcyon Feb 26, 2017

    It's very pretty. I love her hair and eyes. ^v^

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