
Bleach Wallpaper: Let's Crush Them (The Beatdown Bootleg)

Kubo Tite, Studio Pierrot, Bleach, Byakuya Kuchiki Wallpaper
Kubo Tite Mangaka Studio Pierrot Studio Bleach Series Byakuya Kuchiki Character

1440x900 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The original was created as a widescreen paper, so the narrow ones are a bit different in terms of spacing and composition. The additional papers are a 1280 wide and then two narrows (1280, 1024).

Last time I submitted a wall with similar construction, it was taken down for being too simplistic, so let's cross our fingers?


I REALLY LOVE BYAKUYA ok, ok. I'd seen this image ages ago and finally decided to sit down and make a wall with it (mostly for myself, lbr). I ended up liking it enough to upload elsewhere, so here you go!

Original image from MT, textures by planets-bend-between-us, pearlredlights, and ... someone who didn't label their folder with their username (mytextures.zip from MF). Font is Baskerville, used in regular (ALL), italic (the world IS), and bold (BULLET-SHAPED). Text itself is actually the title of an Inception fic by pushdragon (on AO3), but it seemed to fit well here, so.

As always, critique is both welcome and encouraged (esp considering how different this is from my usual fare, haha). Also I highly recommend full-view!


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  1. aurorawitch Jul 18, 2013

    I think your piece here has potential but looks a little chaotic right now. And that blue-sky thing on your wallpaper... Why is it there anyway? When I look at your previous works, I see you're better than me but you wanted critique, so i wrote what i thought.

    Good luck- aurora chan

  2. kateison Jul 18, 2013

    Quote by aurorawitchI think your piece here has potential but looks a little chaotic right now. And that blue-sky thing on your wallpaper... Why is it there anyway? When I look at your previous works, I see you're better than me but you wanted critique, so i wrote what i thought.

    Absolutely no worries! This kind of critique is what helps me hone the wallpapers that I bring to MT, so it's very much appreciated. As to the blue-sky bit, I needed both colour and image balance and that's what brought it most successfully. The same reason for my including the red stripe, really. Just to provide some contrast.

    But that's all great to know, thank you!

  3. xBlackxBladexNobilityx Jul 19, 2013

    this looks epic, nice job ;D

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