nice wallpaper, I rather like the brightness to the darkness sort of feeling. really liking what you did with her and the accent to the sword and it's play. well done.
1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
(One more wallpaper moved from AP)
My second anime wallpaper and, like many of the future wallpapers I have made, this was inspired on impulse after stumbling upon a scan:
I used the same method as in the Shinigami-sama wallpaper to "vector" the character, only this time I there was much more detail and therefore I refined the skill in using this style. Still this is a part of the growth I was making in creating art and this became a style I later came to disapprove on.
Note: the resolutions are going up, still this wall was created in Photoshop and therefore is limited to 1920x1200 size.
More reissues coming soon. Basically I am going through this chronologically (leaving out the unsatisfactory wallpapers) and higher quality wallpapers. (I doubt someone is reading this though xD)
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angelxxuan Banned Member Jun 16, 2013
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