wohoho XDD Hey thanks a lot!
i was wishing to see a new pic of my dear Milfeulle :D
Really, thanks a lot for sharing this +fav
Browse Galaxy Angel Gallery: Recent | Popular.
wohoho XDD Hey thanks a lot!
i was wishing to see a new pic of my dear Milfeulle :D
Really, thanks a lot for sharing this +fav
...........................................................................(...) is the another pair of > http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/86529/ I think I'll stick them together and make a wall out of it., Nice scans GolgoXIII (I have browsed your gallery)
gah, the blurest and cutest angel! great scan!
Great scan! MIlfy looks lovly in that Yukata nad that childish expression. I wish I oculd see the whole scan, though, but this is way more than enough! Thanks 4 sharing.
just like with the chitose scan, nice job. thanks for sharing!
Milfeulle pulls off that yukata very nicely. :) I like this indeed!
I didn't know they still wear kimonos!
Milfeulle looks good in yukata.. ^^
thanks for sharing, +fav
Ive never seen her in a kimono b4. cool upload.
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