o_o.. aihh..... >_<
What does he do ?
Take pose in half-naked--> maybe * Cencor * " naked "
i 'm sorry, i must honest
I don't like if the man naked in front of Camera -_-
Artist Comment
::Recipe for a yummy wallpaper::
Inspiration= Gackt + coke ad + pop art + pinch of malice meizer + vh1 interludes + warm sunny thoughts + DDR +
x)! I started out making this all warped and dark and creepy.. WHAT HaPpEnEd?! This is for my friend Cami... who gets all luffy b/c of Gackt ((O.o;; scarry but true)) sooo why not haff a desktop that's all saucy too!
Brushes from~ endlessrain & Roshiweb & missM
Advice on shiny skin from~ http://www.touchstoneart.com
Amazing resolution Piccy from~ http://www.jdiscshop.com/popya/star/male/gackt/
Lyrics by Gackt & translation from~ http://www.senshigakuen.com/translations/lyrics/index.htm
I put this under General... I don't think it shoudl be anime? >3>; Let me know if it shoudl be otherwise!
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Deen Nov 20, 2004
groovybluesgirl Nov 20, 2004
Oooo, yum!
I always have been rather fond of this pic. ^_^
And the background turned out awsome!
+favBTW: you posted it in the right place. ^^
TaiBlack Nov 03, 2008
OMG! That is sooooo yummy >D
Gackt is so sexy and has such a beautiful voice... I love him! *O*~~~~~~~~
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