
Zero no Tsukaima Wallpaper: Louise

J.C. Staff, Zero no Tsukaima, Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière Wallpaper

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well, I started this work in October, but only finished in December. It was done in photoshop cs5 portable, and I used this picture->
Zero no Tsukaima 4

I started doing the Louise with the pen tool and coloring with fill and brush. It was pretty simple, but somewhat time consuming. I had a hard time choosing the scenario, but when I saw this picture thought it would be good ->

Perhaps chess has been a little strange, but I liked it ;D

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  1. Angi Retired Moderator Jan 15, 2013

    I like the change of scene, its cuter than in the original scan :3
    I would like to suggest to add a bit more shading to all the elements to get more detail of depth.
    Keep it up! :3

  2. MisaSasekage Moderator Jan 18, 2013

    It's cute and I like the colors.^^ Though I do agree it needs more detail. Her fingers on the hand next to the book looks a bit weird also.

    Keep it up!^^

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