
Ragnarok Online Wallpaper: Kafra the Third

Ragnarok Online, Kafra Wallpaper
Ragnarok Online Game Kafra Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

No. I am not an RO freak. I was asked to do this by the GMs at IRO.

*Katzbalger realises the date

Oh crap. This will be the last work from me for at least 21 days now... seeing thats how long I have to finish my assignment

*Katzbalger puts on silly glasses and study head band.

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  1. JCD Nov 19, 2004

    Nice, can't complain other than the character has a slight outline :)
    i noticed this while browsing your gallery, all good stuff, but you seem to follow a specific pattern and repeat it with some modifications for most wallpapers you make :P (scan, replicated scan for the background + some cloud / particle effect)
    Not that it's bad, I'm just mentioning that it is quite noticable.
    Still, lub your work :]

  2. jackalx66 Nov 19, 2004

    sleep tight
    katz ^^
    wow this one just great abstract bg
    the extraction iswell done too
    thx for ur effort and share it in here

  3. penpen Nov 19, 2004

    J'adore ce wallapers !!!!
    Felicitaions !!

  4. semanga Nov 19, 2004

    also very nice :)

  5. Koshiba Nov 19, 2004

    Whee.. Nice job. D: Cute Kafra girl.. ^_^ I like the background design too.

  6. Yina Nov 19, 2004

    wow.. that looks great!! The girl is so cute!! :D :D :D +fav

  7. MuZ0NaZ Nov 19, 2004

    well, good wp, but....you're truly a machine >_> good luck with your assignment

  8. Griever Nov 19, 2004

    It would be perfect if not for the zoom layer in the background. Really, zoom layers just seem like a tacky add on to fill space.

    However, the color scheme is very nicely consistant, and the space background looks sweet.

  9. ange-argente Nov 20, 2004

    I really like the colors you used, and the image is great. I have to agree with Griever - you could've gone without the zoom imagein the bg. It doesn't really do anything for the wall. But very pretty, anyways!

  10. CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator Nov 21, 2004

    Now this is what I'm talking about, so they asked you to do a wall with her huh? Excellant choice made by the IRO if I do say so myself. Shes so increadably kawaii!!! >.< Hooray for the maid outfit! Awwww shes winking too, such flattery. Anyways this is a real down-to-Earth girl. I dunno someone almost any guy could see themselves marrying (or else its just me) and just so friendly and this background is perfect for her. Just so full of life and it kinda reminds me of a warm summer day. Just very relaxing, enjoyable and something everyone can apprecaite (unless you hate those kind of days). I really love that aspect you got there.

    Quote by GrieverIt would be perfect if not for the zoom layer in the background. Really, zoom layers just seem like a tacky add on to fill space.
    However, the color scheme is very nicely consistant, and the space background looks sweet.

    True, that normally is a tacky add on, but not with the way Katz uses it. He uses it more of as a fading type effect that just makes it look amazing. I totally agree it usually is tacky, but Katz has some tricks up his sleeve. This is a favorite for me, definately.

  11. Val3f0r Nov 30, 2004

    ehhhhh..... Kafra sure does look really gorgeous :D very nice colour on the background... what a beauty ^^ and I guess.... you shouldn't put Kafra's shadow on the left >_> looks a bit weird... anyhow still pretty nice wall ^^

  12. hikago Dec 31, 2004

    nice Kafra service wall!!!!! :D

  13. wanderer555 Feb 18, 2005

    i like the way shes holding herself...the way shes putting her hands at her waist with her fists closed outwards....looks like shes giving the "you've been naughty and i have to spank u and im going to enjoy it " look

  14. Kenryo Feb 23, 2005

    O_o, cuta kafra, i never seen one of that in RO. If that cute kafar was in ro, she would definetly be my fav kafra. Cute kafra, nice bg, instant favourite.

  15. darkseal Mar 01, 2005

    nice and cute wallpapers!!!kawaiiiii^^

  16. Wslasher May 30, 2005

    wat a nice picture of a kafra in kRO! not like our pics of kafra in pRO(not so animated look like this one)!

  17. fstarfury Jun 03, 2005

    waaaw ... kafra .. nice ^^

  18. dctreborn Aug 09, 2005

    Kafra! Storage please! What? My account expired? Nu!!!!! My items! T-T

  19. lucasgrijo May 12, 2010

    ow i love kafras ^^, thanks for the wall

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