Really nice! I like the concept. Thanks for sharing. Keep 'em coming.
1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
2 years ago I made a wallpaper about One Piece, choosen a color for every character. In the story there is a flash forward where characters (2 years later) have changed and grow up, of course. So I would honor my most favorite Anime with a second version with the characters grow up but with the same idea about Colors.
To create this one I've used 15th opening of One Piece screenshots and open with Illustrator to vectored every elements but changing, sometimes colors. After that I've cut the characters to create an arc shape and putted their captain bigger and on the middle. I used and black or white background as 2 years ago and I playied with the monochrome graphic composition except one character for every revision as every user could choice that characters he loved most. I've made monochrome/color effect with Photoshop.
Hope you like my versions.
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UberDog Dec 09, 2012
chubbykitty Dec 10, 2012
Nice work! I like how some parts have outlines and some don't. I've been watching OP lately but I'm not yet on the time skip episodes. Anyway keep it up!
DeathXLight278 Feb 24, 2013
thanks for sharing this
Cirru Oct 18, 2013
Really like how you used the colors and sun symbol to tie all the characters in. Nice piece of art.
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