Very expressive wallpaper, I think. And I really like it! Especially the atmosphere witch created by dragon and some
ruby birds))) Sesshoumaru, mmm... Handsome as always^^
Well done!
Artist Comment
Hello, long time no see. But I've just started re-watching InuYasha and wanted to do another Sess wall. There's definitely not enough of nice Sess walls, don't argue with me on that:) I found a picture from the anime I'd really liked, which was great, but then I saw the resolution of the picture and that was a bit... less great. This is it:
This is **literally** the real size of the image I made the wall from. It is also the smallest "model"
I've ever worked with. Anyway, I did a lot of painting and vectoring there, obviously, then some brush work and I
added the birds for I felt the pic would use some more details. Also I realized that red bits against a blue theme look
quite... astounding. What a discovery!
The Sesshomaru picture is taken from a different scan of course, I'm not THAT good to restore it from the original.
Yet, ha ha.
This is the Sesshomaru scan I used:
Hope you like it and thanks,
PS: Soryuha is the name of the most powerful Tokijin attack.
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LadyZ Dec 03, 2012
angelxxuan Banned Member Dec 03, 2012
another sesshie yay ! I rather like this one too, the detail to the dragon and how sesshie looks far off but really close, you did good on this one too
SamB Dec 03, 2012
Beautiful work, in every its part. My compliments and my fav. :)
Alenas Retired Moderator Dec 03, 2012
Yay for more smexy Sessy walls~ \o/
I gotta say you did an awesome job reconstructing the whole scene from that tiny little picture. And of course, I like the textures and the images you combined, your version is a lot prettier and dynamic than the screenshot. Great job and keep it up! :)
Aliceblond Dec 03, 2012
Wow! Your work is really impressive, especially because you had to work with such a little pic.
I'm happy to find such a nice wallpaper of my favorite character. *__* I hope to see some more Sesshoumaru WPs from you. :) -
reesha Dec 04, 2012
This wall is amazing and I really love it!
The painting is beautiful and I really love the colours. Plus, you managed to add your own touch on it which makes the wall lively.
A great work indeed! Looking forward to see your next one. X3
DragonBlood Dec 04, 2012
So cool! I love it! And I totally agree with you...there isn't enough Sesshoumaru wallpapers around! Thank you for sharing this!
Tina18 Dec 07, 2012
This is great. You have a nice style and you combined the colors in a great way. I'm so glad to see Sesshoumaru looking so good. This is one of those walls that I would actually use.
Furiz Dec 09, 2012
Wonderful, just wonderful, as i fan of the series i a very delighted to see such a magnificent work. Indeed there is a lack of good Sesshy wallies and you my dear filled that gap :)
InfiniteSky Dec 16, 2012
There are definitely not enough good Sesshoumaru wallpapers!
You did an amazing job! -
Steffi1690 Moderator Dec 22, 2012
Very Fantastic and Adorable! But from which episode is that with the dragon?
dream3r Apr 17, 2013
Fantastic! *__* Love how you worked on it!
dlajetky08 Jan 16, 2024
Another great depiction of Sesshie! i also appreciate this one, particularly the intricate details of the dragon. The way Sesshie appears distant yet remarkably close is well-executed. You've done a commendable job on this artwork as well.aunties bestie sweatshirt
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