
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Wallpaper: Kira and Lacus

Hisashi Hirai, Sunrise (Studio), Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Kira Yamato, Lacus Clyne Wallpaper
Hisashi Hirai Mangaka Sunrise (Studio) Studio Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Series Kira Yamato Character Lacus Clyne Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This Wallpaper probably took the most time that i have ever put into a wall before, i probably put about 15 or so hours into it.
It started off as me doing the vector with no plans to do it as a wallpaper, but then as i kept going with it i just got some ideas.
It took about 40-50 layers. Well anyways I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment =P

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  1. snyp Dec 01, 2012

    Vector isn't that bad but the background needs some serious work ;-D
    But it's great for a start ! Keep going

  2. akiranyo Dec 02, 2012

    The vector is somehow ok, even when some lines could use more variety, but well, for 1st try is good. As snyp said the main weakness is the background itself, basically is just the same image with some filter, a bit upgraded ghosting. Also your signature could be more smaller, people may to mistake it for the title embed inside the wallpaper.

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