

Akira Amano, Production I.G, PSYCHO-PASS, Shinya Kougami, Vector Art
Akira Amano Mangaka Production I.G Studio PSYCHO-PASS Series Shinya Kougami Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

This was the first background I did for the wall, however it didn't turn out as good as I wanted for the wall so it was scrapped...
Upon revision I did some effects and edits in Photoshop to produce this version - a more scenic background. The background is from the building Kogami was in on the first episode.

-The Dominator is so cool XD

No other submissions


  1. MisaSasekage Moderator Nov 10, 2012

    I like the background color you chose, overall the background itself is simple (the building Kougami was inside of in the first episode) so its was nice to see you utilize that, it's not too bright and it looks stylish, but also put the focus on him alone, which is very nice. I also liked how you added the Dominator, it looks so cool, though I wish it was a bit less blurry. The vectoring of Kougami is so smooth, he looks really good. Definite fav from me <33

  2. Horseradish Nov 11, 2012

    Hey! TBH, I like this version better than the wallpaper that you created. XD The monochrome adds such a nice drama and mood to the overall look of the character. Looking at the BG of this one and comparing it to your wall, the BG of this one is very fitting and simple (yet elegant at the same time). On the other hand, in your wall, the effects that you added were quite nice too. It has that futuristic, TRON-like look to it however, it's kinda cluttered a bit for me because there's so much to look at even though the character's large in the center. The typography that you used here is nice and subtle as well.

    Is there a chance that you could make this into a wallpaper resolution? Without the black bars, if possible------please? :D This would definitely be EPIC, KICK-ASS, PURE AWESOMESAUCENESS when you do that. \m/

    And TBH, if you uploaded this as a second version of your wall, this one would be my first choice of a download. ^^v

  3. Tina18 Nov 11, 2012

    Hello Hibaribrotha, Ilu.
    Too bad is so smaaaaal.
    I should give some awesome praise but I'm in a hurry and lazy and logged in just to dl it. I LOVE it should cover it.

  4. IMkhaos Nov 23, 2012

    nice wall! I like how you vector the character and the gun is cool. :P

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