
King of Fighters: Going to Las Vegas

Shinkiro, SNK, King of Fighters, Ryo Sakazaki, Yuri Sakazaki
Shinkiro Mangaka SNK Studio King of Fighters Game Ryo Sakazaki Character Yuri Sakazaki Character


******* It is not my scan! *******
I searched if this scan was posted and after an hour i didn't find nothing. Enjoy :D

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  1. 0virus Apr 25, 2005

    good look!

  2. ANGEPITA Jan 16, 2010

    is Takuma in this picture?

  3. darkwolf3931 Nov 18, 2011

    It seems that those who are sitting are Khushnood Takuma and Butt (Marco Rodriguez in the Japan version of Garou)

    merged: 11-18-2011 ~ 06:28pm
    It seems that those who are sitting are Takuma and Khushnood Butt (Marco Rodriguez in the Japan version of Garou)

    Parece ser que los que estan sentados son Takuma y Khushnood Butt (Marco Rodriguez en la version japonesa del Garou)

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