
Memories Off Wallpaper: ~*Yasashi no Tenshi*~

Mutsumi Sasaki, Memories Off, Magic Wallpaper
Mutsumi Sasaki Mangaka Memories Off Series,Visual Novel Magic Meta

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

hehe~ ^_^
another space angel wall from meh~
I went back to do space angel wall since my last few walls wasnt that good.. T_T
the feathers are home made, same as the magic circle and asteroid she's standing on. (I think its an asteroid ^_^""")
overall it took around 8 hours. (dont remember since I went to repair my bike half way through making the wall ^_^")
comment away~ ^_^

other reso please go to my site, The Anime World <--- shameless advertise!! XP

if ya like it, a fav would be nice~ <-- shame shame on me! XP but then again~ a fav would be nice if ya like it~ XP

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  1. robeecunanan Nov 17, 2004

    your soo good can you help me I'm totally new here please tell me how to level up.

  2. Yumi-Chan Nov 17, 2004

    u.u dude ya trynna make me jealous ar?.. XD time for me to make another wall then. gahaha.. XD Kashi is obsessed with angels!! XD hahaha. Anyways, Very nice wallie :D hehe,Damn how'd you make those feathers? >_>;; The moon looks femiliar too.. /gg.. XD Nice la, i like how u did th overall spacy thingies.. rofl XD
    Oh and the thing she's standing on looks great X3
    Eh, asal tak ada bad comments untuk sensei ar?.. hahaha.. :P nothing bad bout the wall. Excellent job XD Just maybe the moon u could lower the contrast of it =/ no biggie still looks damn giler chun.. nyahaha.. keep up da effort

    p.s: see, I faved your wall!! Just to help u out!! XDXDXD.. hahaha I'm so evil -__-;;!!

  3. jackalx66 Nov 17, 2004

    woa nice wall :o
    u really can make some great space wall XD
    i like it
    the concept is nice too
    keep up the good work ,exentric
    thx for ur effort and share in here

  4. darksaberx88 Nov 17, 2004

    woa nice wall
    u really can make some great space wall
    i like it
    the concept is nice too
    keep up the good work

  5. darksaberx88 Nov 17, 2004

    woa nice wall
    u really can make some great space wall
    i like it
    the concept is nice too
    keep up the good work

  6. Celessa Retired Moderator Nov 17, 2004

    Nice, nice - love the touch-up with the angelic feather effects and the light is well adjusted in every plane. A well-done wallpaper in my opinion.

  7. Jormungand Nov 17, 2004

    Weee~! This wallie looks great :D love the feathers and the text... that scan looks really nice too ^__^

  8. AnimexXxHolic009 Nov 17, 2004

    wah!!! its sooo cool xd....8 hours to make this wally...man thats long, well at least it was worth it ^-^

  9. KorganoS Nov 17, 2004

    Your 8 hours work will hit the highlighted line, man... I hope so ^_______^
    i love this one a lot... but the shooting stars look kinda cheesy ^_^' oh, maybe it's just me...
    and the twin planets on the left, yeah, twin,... you duplicated the other one? shame! rofl j.k. dude... XD
    The composition is excellent, the colors are great,... the angel is cute, stars... check, planets..check...
    Very nice work indeed... :D

  10. Kurosawa Nov 17, 2004

    woo. that's was really great . The BG and the concept is good ^^ . Keep the good work :D + fav

  11. Midori-chan Nov 17, 2004

    wow!! dat wall is cool!! especially the bg.....suits her so well!! itz worth u spent 8 hours for this wall...hehe...thanx for sharing!! :D

  12. UndyingShadow Nov 17, 2004

    wow the image looks great, and you used the effects well on it! the bg is also very nicely done, great job!

  13. cloud811 Nov 17, 2004

    ohhhhhh THIS rocks! I LOVE angel WINGS.....and girls.....COMBINED there A dream COME true! mahahaha lol keep up the work, p.s y u no on msn ne more?

  14. Natsu Nov 17, 2004

    wow!!! it´s beautiful!!! XD XD

  15. Lemur Nov 17, 2004

    Great work, comrade!
    Absolutely great! Hope i can ever be close to your level of wallmakings. *dreams, dreams...*
    + FAV ^_^

  16. kalicodreamz Nov 17, 2004

    i like the feathers and circle and character you chose. i'm not a fan of the starry background.
    here's why:
    1) all the stars are the same size. some should be bigger, others smaller
    2) it looks a little too "photoshop cloud-filter" to me.
    i really think you did a great job with the rest og it, but i think the background could have had more done to it.
    really nice. hope to see more from you soon :D

  17. Devilet Nov 17, 2004

    oh oh! this is really good excentric ^-^
    waaii~~~ it's so pretty <3
    I like the planets, and the girl is pretty with the wings..
    feathers are well done, good work :D + fav

  18. anael Nov 17, 2004

    sugoiii ^^ *o* angelll kawaiiii :nya: un bon choix du bg des couleurs un peu sombre pour mettre en relief la jeune fille mais a excellent job i like it ^^ +fav domo arigato

  19. ShiroiLina Nov 17, 2004

    very nice angelic effect! very well done bg + planets!!! :D i like it very much! keep it up exentric! :D :D

  20. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Nov 17, 2004

    dis ish soo preettyyffulll~

    waaaaaaahh .. i feel like flying .. X.X

  21. AkinaSpirit Nov 17, 2004

    Wahhhhh awesome wall Kash ^^!
    The bg is beautiful and wow... she's standing on an asteroid?? This angel has got amazing powers :o
    And dude... you made Yumi jealous XD muwahahaha

  22. chau-chan Nov 18, 2004

    Thats good! The picture doesn't fit with the background a little bit ^_^;.......But overall It's great!! XD

  23. ayanechan Nov 18, 2004

    *poke* all the angels that u guys do must be really unhealthy.. shedding feathers everywhere >.> *kills* nyaha~! XD kashi-baby did a good job.. again -.- lmao

  24. frozenwilderness Nov 18, 2004

    Yayyy another awesome wall from exentric!! I love the scan you used and the pretty planets in the background. Nice job again ^^

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